Two Hearts in One Accord!
“Steps will be very important in the coming days,” says The LORD.
“No, it is not a child’s game called “May I” — but the time has now come for some to step up to the place I have been preparing them for.
It will be a giant step of Faith into the unknown, even as Abraham did in days of old. Others will find it is time to step down and be released from the place that became their comfort zone for many years.
It is demotion and promotion time in the Marketplace. A large number of people shall step into a new place they never expected to reach — but they have been pre-qualified with much testing and trials, and are fit for The Master’s use in these last days,” says The Creator.
“Changeover is here! Change out is needed, and Change Agents are stepping in to destroy divisive prideful platforms that have produced stagnant complacency.
Many have become stagnant in spirit and are going through the motions of life, but never coming to the place of their calling, due to their total indifference to the relationship they once began with Me,” says The Savior.
“My Love never ends, and I so desire to heal brokenness and create Oneness.
In this new era, I AM creating a circle of Love as I draw My Family closer, enabling them to become One with Me.
My Heart desires My Church to be fitly joined together as One — and allow their gifts to compliment each other. As their gifts work together, they will carry out My Plan and accomplish their Purpose!” says The Father.
“In this critical state the world is in today, it is urgent for My Chosen to join together, two by two, in the power of Agreement, for My Word confirms The Truth that if any two agree on anything, it shall be done!
I desire to send them out two by two into the highways and byways to bring Salvation, Healing and Deliverance to the captives all over the world. This is a jump start to the end-time Revival that I have promised.
Never despise small beginnings, for there is a fiery flame of Love that is released when two are in agreement.
My Love is being released in a powerful way to heal marriages in this season. I AM stepping down to remind you that what is going on in the inside of you — not what is going on outside of you — that will make a difference and change the world!
The power of two — whose hearts are burning for Me in the deepest places of their hearts — can start a Fire that will spread quickly, and it will be a Flame that the enemy cannot snuff out!
Many will arise from the ashes of what their burned-out life used to be, as I ignite their hearts once again to burn with the fire of My Love,” says The LORD.
“I have loved you from the beginning, and I will love you until the end of time. I AM writing Eternity on the hearts of My Bride afresh, so that truly when they enter Heaven’s Gate, they will see the one who was so on Fire for them, that He gave His Life and died for their sins.
Beloved, nothing can put out the Fire of My Love for the world.
I remind you today, there is no more time to be entangled with petty differences.
Know that I AM shifting the gaze of My Bride to see through My Eyes!” says The LORD.
“I AM blowing a trumpet to announce I AM opening blinded eyes, to envision the deep Revelation of My Love and the power of two in Agreement, as I send you out two by two.
My love has come to purify and prepare My Chosen Ones to have pure hearts, free of any envy or strife.
I AM calling My House into order, that they may walk together in alignment and authority to take back the land the enemy has stolen.
The Swamp is being drained and every unclean filthy particle is being revealed. My Hand Is on America and The Nations.
You shall see the outpouring of an unprecedented Revival begin on the heels of a massive repentance, as the flame of My Love spreads to a lost and dying world.
Yes, I AM calling those volunteers who will forsake all to revive relationships among The Church, and run throughout the world as one — in agreement and in one accord.
Will you answer The Call?
I have not been taken by surprise — but I shall soon take the world by surprise as I complete My Plan.”
“Let all the earth Fear The LORD — let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him!” Psalm 33:8 NKJV
“You will arise and have compassion on Zion, for it is time to show favor to her; the appointed time has come.” Psalm 102:12-13 NIV.
“You’ll even walk unharmed among the fiercest powers of darkness, trampling every one of them beneath your feet! For here is what The LORD has spoken to me: “Because you loved me, delighted in me, and have been loyal to my name, I will greatly protect you.”” Psalm 91:12-14 TPT
~ Sandi Holman
Sandi Holman was called to the nations as an End-Time Handmaiden in 1984 with Gwen Shaw and served with YWAM Singapore and YWAM Charlotte in missions. Sword of The LORD Ministries came from a divine encounter with The LORD when He came into her prayer room and said, “I have come to put a sword in your hand and was given special instructions on how and when to use it.” She is an author, Prophetic Intercessor and Seer, Chaplain, Teacher, Speaker and Equipper, and Blogger who has also served as a Pastor Online with Beyond the Veil Ministries.
Um wow. Luke 10 in my face for 2 1/2 years as I’ve prayed for my prodigal husband to return. Just wow.
God bless you Sarah. I will stand in agreement for that return and total heart change filled to overflowing with love for and from the Father. Sandi Holman
God bless you Cherish for your confirmation! In this season, it seems as if those who once agreed have wavered in their opinions and agreement. Yes, even the very elect. We are truly in a time of wave upon wave of deception. We will make it to the shore as we ride the waves of change that will usher in His Kingdom. Love and blessings, Sandi
Wow, thank you sister Sandi. When something is as groundbreakingly specific as this, please pardon me for bookmarking it and waiting for more Logos and rhema instruction to provide further context and congruence (akin to an initial Trump prophecy by Kim Clement, for example). I’m especially referring to the two-by-two instruction. Of course, that resonates with Jesus’ directions with his disciples! (And I would discourage those doing so, from wearing black pants, white shirts and ties, and I suspect YWAM would as well! ;-) I’ve found you very sound, thank you again! I confess I’m expecting much to happen organically in our Lord’s era of glory and a bit shy of anything appearing rigid (and especially, of authoritarian polity). Saving this!
Good to hear from you Arlen! Thank you for your input. It is truly a time to get down to the basics, the simplicity of the truth and the heart of God. He has not changed His mind about Donald Trump and I stand firmly on God’s promise. Yes, indeed, the Lord spoke so succinctly to me as I penned this word that it must begin with two who hearts can be pure and in complete agreement and He would multiply just as He did with the two loaves and fishes. He began speaking this to me when I came back from Asia and wrote my cookbook, Feeding the Multitudes. God bless you richly. Thanks for saving and sharing as we hold fast to His unchanging hand in a very unstable environment when even the very elect is being deceived. Sincerely, Sandi
So Good!! What a confirmation, He’s Incredible!!
I was just telling a friend last night that the reason the enemy is allowed to wreak havoc in her mind is that she’s chosen not to take the path of renewal through obedience in reading the Word and prayer, her response was that she tried, she started but the warfare was way too intense…..also that she was not under the law. I hate that excuse, it sounds so righteous but lacks power and excuses laziness. I was reminded of Zerubabel and his efforts to rebuild the wall in obedience to God’s Call. They worked side by side with weapons in one hand and tools in the other while being continuously taunted. Because of laziness and apathy the evil one has his open door and continues to steal, kill and destroy, just like the Lord warned.
We must go through the season of intense renewal and transformation. Otherwise when the storms truly hit we’ll be taken under….I’d rather do the work and ride the waves!! :)
God bless your beautiful heart Sandi!!
Thank you