HomeProphecyTurning Hardships Into Kingships


Turning Hardships Into Kingships — 3 Comments

  1. So Good!!
    I was standing in my kitchen one morning after prayer and intercession. And suddenly I saw in my minds eye the Lord holding me to Himself and the Cross behind Him. I was going forward, facing what He already faced for me, holding me while I endured His suffering. As a result the flesh has been burning off and His Blood, Body, and Living Water has been washing me clean by the Power of His Spirit. It’s not a fun process, it’s the hardest thing I’ll ever do. I look nothing like the world I once reflected…it’s no longer pretty (prideful) but has instead been made by His Hands into the Center-out Reflection of the True Beautiful of His Eternal Spirit of Truth. I’m mocked and harassed and bullied night and day by people who themselves will be tried in the Fire, we ALL will be. He’s pouring out His Spirit upon ALL flesh, and everything blocking our True Identity will be brought to ash!! Back to dust. 
    God bless you Deborah!! I look forward every day to hear the Beautiful News your feet carry!! :D

  2. YA!Our Abba Father will always bring us through it.  What the enemy means for evil, He turns it for good!  only I can believe!

    Greater is He who is in US than he who is in the world!

    YES! Amen !