Turn your eyes upon Me!
Turn your eyes upon Me, and away from the difficulties that you are facing, says the LORD. Pay attention to Me and let your mind be renewed by My WORD.
For you will go in the direction that your attention takes you. Let My mind be in you. Think My higher thoughts and go My higher ways. For what I think is GOOD. My ways are GOOD.
There is nothing in Me that is NOT good because I AM GOOD, and My goodness and mercy for you endures forever, says the LORD.
I AM GOD in the midst of you. I AM in the middle of your mess, to untangle the things that are tightly wound around you, keeping you in bondage to circumstances. I AM in the ONE who sets you free!
Be free from the negativity that is all around you and see the ABUNDANT life that I have for you. Think on blessings, not curses. Speak about them continually. FOCUS on My angelic host that encamps around you.
See the light that is all around you and do not despair of darkness. I AM light. You are light. Let go of the dark things that have NO PART OF YOU, says the LORD.
Be lighthearted and filled with joy, for I have daily loaded you with benefits and blessings for you to enjoy. The things that I have blessed you with are eternal and cannot be extracted from you. Rejoice and be filled with gladness.
For I have given you beauty for the ash heap of your life. I have anointed you with the oil of the overcomer and poured out My Spirit upon you. I have given you unimpeachable gifts.
Lift up your voice in thanksgiving and praise, for you are provisioned by me, protected, preserved and prepared for every good work in Me.
REST in MY presence, for you are My workmanship. I AM your GOD. Your life is in My hands that created you for MY PLEASURE, and you are a privileged
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades. |
Praise The Lord! The reminder I needed to keep holding on and to not give up. Thank you for posting this amazing word of encouragement and reminder to keep our eyes on the prize–The Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Thank you for being so faithful to the Lord.He has used you to encourage me every day for over a year.
please tell me this is happenning because it is!