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Trump Guilty — 10 Comments

  1. Thank you for your word Chris and thank you for clarification Sandy. I know that “whatever God does, it will be forever. Nothing shall be added to it and nothing taken from it; and God does it that men should fear before Him.”Ecc.3:14

  2. Dear Chris –

    This Word bears witness w/ me. Several reasons. Foremost, the book of Daniel, Matthew 24, Isaiah 22:22, Jeremiah, Isaiah & Book of Revelation all have ‘keys’ and allude to the scenario that is being played out now. (Too many verses to list here).

    Been remembering something I heard Dr. Percy Collette, the (late) missionary from England, or Scotland? He was a missionary overseas- muraculous testimonies. Was at a Kenneth Copeland conf. in Philadelphia (Was in ’78 or ’79),that I heard Dr. Rev. Collette. Copeland invited him on platform to share a vision, Word the Lord had given him about the Lords return. I still recall the witness of Holy Spirit in his words. Dr. Collette said “when The Jew and the Arab come together at the Western Wall (Israel) – when they say “Peace” – Jesus will come.

    The ‘Abrahamic Accords’ of Trumps admin.was a “taste”, precursor, of what is to come. Tho the enemy regimes & agendas took over in 2020, God is going to finish w/ Trump.The church is not going to limp into the millennium. She’s going be full of His glory.

    The Lord gives sign posts. The Word has clear patterns. Ecclesiastes 1:9 says “That which has been will be again”. When God’s chosen vessel comes back The Lord will ‘display’ kingdom-governmental-authority. THEN – when they say PEACE – the King of Peace returns – suddenly to His temple – & the ‘treacherous & those who love wickedness’ will be dealt with.

    Sorry this reply so long.

  3. Wow that was an unexpected word. But we don’t know Gods timing in all of this so our challenge is to trust God deeper and keep our eyes on Him second by second.
    He said to me the other day “Hold on to your hats’, as you would say. You are about to hear and see some ‘crazy happenings’ in the world – catastrophic happenings. Keep praying against demonic activities in the oceans, seas and all the waters. “
    I submit this word in humble submission to the Lord Jesus Christ.

  4. Tears, just tears!!! At the goodness of God!  We may have a very challenging road ahead, but I am extremely hopeful.  Thanks for your good words guys.  We really need these encouragements.

  5. Oh Lord, Have YOUR Way! Let your Kingdom Come & Let YOUR Will BE Done on Earth, as IT IS In Heaven! & Let us began to pray & honor your word in 2nd Chronicles 7:14!!  YES, Judgement Has ALREADY BEGUN- as the Lord continues to deal with our sins. May we began to Daily repent of our sins, as the Lord continues to EXPOSE and EXPEL the Lies of the Enemy!!!  Oh Lord, we Stand on Your word according to Amos 5:24- “LET Justice run down like a River & Righteousness like a Mighty Stream.” AMEN!!☝

  6. There is no resurrection without a death. Thank you for this word. The conviction ( of President DJT)is like a death blow and I believe in the resurrection which is a miracle that only God can bring about. Prayers.

  7. Does call to glory mean the same thing as going to glory?
    What do you think it means?
    Thank you.

  8. I am Standing until God steps down and places His crown on DJT. This is the beginning of the END of this showdown. THe real show is about to begin and judgment will begin in the house of the Lord. Trump is GOD’s trumpet and HE will RISE again and bring HOPE to America and the world. God will shake and shake and place a deep stake in His land to bring righteous judgment and freedom again. Blessings, my brother, Sandi