HomeProphecyTrump and Tea! (Updated)


Trump and Tea! (Updated) — 21 Comments

  1. I had to chuckle when I recognized the Peas Porridge Hot allusion in your dream. The Lord has a sense of humor and it made me think of Psalm 2.

    In America tea has a major significance in our history. The Boston Tea Party was an iconic event where patriots resisted British tyranny by boycotting tea trade and throwing it into Boston Harbor, get this, on Dec 16, 1773.  Significantly, they were resisting the Tea Act which allowed the trade of Chinese tea in the states without taxes on the trading company.

    Cool dream, Veronika West! 

    I left another comment on your FB post.

  2. #9 Teth is a snake in Hebrew. It can also signify being surrounded, for the snake was often pictured in a circle swallowing its tail.

    The number nine speaks God’s “visitation.” This is a Hebraism that pictures God as an Investigator “visiting” a person, city, or nation to expose the hearts, gather evidence, and “see” firsthand, as it were, the truth of a matter. It is much like a divine court case where the evidence is uncovered and presented to the judge for judgment… At the same time, He was also training and testing the hearts of twelve disciples. Divine visitation is God’s judgment in the life of the believer by which the Holy Spirit trains them in obedience. By His guiding voice, He shows them the will of God and writes His law upon their hearts. So we see that divine visitation, or judgment, has a positive outcome for the believer and a negative outcome for the unbeliever. And yet, even the negative outcome is not permanent, for the purpose of judgment is ultimately to correct men and bring them into alignment with the will and mind of God.


    MOED is a Hebrew Word and it means; “An appointed time.”

    China, Russia and Iran purportedly the primary enemies but are they?  Who can you believe in the US administration that has not stabbed the President in the back and the strength of the Military Industrial Complex who constantly shake their war rattles.  Perhaps it’s to deflect from the real perpetrators of the election fraud to give them cover?  The President has said many times he wants world peace and that the Generals don’t like that.  Please give this article a read….”Donald Trump’s Anti-war Movement” and consider that at this MOED moment these three nations will be visited by our God. What fruit will He uncover with the tea that is “nine days old”?


  3. Thank you Veronica for your faithfulness to document and report your visions and dreams.  They are an encouragement to us.

    Your second nights dream is telling you the longer tea is brewed, the stronger it gets.  This is true.  But the piece you need to know, is that the longer tea is brewed, the more bitter it becomes.  Certainly tea brewed for 9 days would be very bitter and difficult to drink.  Hence the looks of Chagrin on the three faces who are being asked to drink it.

    Trump his placed in the teapot to brew as a teabag.  He certainly has been in hot water since before his first election.  He has brewed and brewed in that hot water throughout his term of office, many times not being able to do anything to change his situation.  His “brewed tea” could clearly be described as “bitter”.

    Now, after all that time, it is soon to be time to serve the tea!!  Many will NOT enjoy the drinking of the strong bitter brewed Trump Tea!!

  4. As I read about the revelation you received, Holy Spirit acknowledged the Truth of your words. I praise YAHWEH that His mighty hand moves in the affairs of man and that His Word is Truth, and that He is Sovereign ! He prevails ! Glory to His Holy Name ! Yahshua! Thank You Father ! AMEN !

  5. Herzlichen Dank fürs Teilen!! Das prophetische Wort, ist ein LICHT auf unserem Weg. Es gibt Klarheit und Sicherheit. Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland!

    HKP Admin : Google Translate : “Thank you for sharing !! The prophetic word is a LIGHT on our way. There is clarity and security. Warm greetings from Germany!”

  6. Many prophetic people are saying that a second American Revolution is now in play.  The first one, against the British crown, followed the Boston Tea Party.  The second one will also be foreign influence through the international enemies mentioned here. 

    Who would now use an “antique tea pot” other than the British and certain Anglophiles like President Trump?  The first Tea Party and Revolution brought about separation between America and the United Kingdom.  I believe that the second will eventually bring about a greater measure of alliance between these two nations, as they oppose a common enemy in the global deep state.

    • Amen.  Is the 9 days old tea the satanic old communist revolution. It shall not prevail as God has a Holy Spirit revolution also. Thank u Lord for your mighty Power and judgment against the arrogant enemies of this nation.

  7. I’m thankful to the Lord for this dream, and for the Sister in Christ who has shared it!  We must continue to stand, that the will of the Lord May be done!

  8. Thank you for this very timely word. It is amazing that we just found out from the U.S. Director of National Intelligence that there was foreign interference in our U.S. presidential election by the very countries mentioned in your dream!

    I thank and praise the Lord for you, His faithful and true prophet who has brought much encouragement, comfort, and clarity to the body of Christ.

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