Treasures Await!
“Serve Me with joy and gladness,” says The LORD.
“For great is your reward. To be in My presence and to stand at My right hand is a pleasure for you, not a duty!
“You are in partnership with Me, and you are a joint heir with Me of My Kingdom that is without end. Be a faithful and devoted servant-child that surrenders yourself to Me as a cheerful giver.
“For your labor for Me is not vain. You will eat at My table that is prepared for you. What you sow, you will reap, and receive the benefits that are not temporal, but eternal,” says The LORD.
“My Kingdom is without end, and your treasures that await you will never be lost, stolen, cannot wear out or be used up,” says The LORD.
“You will hear Me say, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant: enter into the joys of The LORD.” For your faithfulness pleases Me, and I want you to finish, and finish WELL!
“Never give in to the pleasures that are for a season, in exchange for that which is eternal; for all who serve Me will rejoice forevermore as they have given themselves to Me, and obeyed Me out of a heart of love and unfeigned faith,” says The LORD.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.
Yes, Father. May your will for my life be done.
Love, Jay
Giving honor to God in the name of Jesus. extending honor to you Dr.June Sheltrown Reinke, asking the Lord to continue to use you mightily.
I understand everything mentioned here in this post, watching God do the work inside of me, as the only true thing that makes me happy in this world and the God’s Kingdom to Come, is to hear him say well done thou good and faithful servant, for Jesus to be pleased. This is the truth, as this world was doomed after Adam and Eve had partaken in eating from the tree in which God had specifically told them not to eat from.