Touching God’s Anointed
This article is a response of a post I brought to the Facebook table. See the following Facebook post about “Touching Gods Anointed” by Pieter Kirstein.
“Be sure that you heard directly from the LORD before you say anything against God’s anointed. The LORD vindicates His beloved. Evil suspicion is not discernment.
Proverbs 6:16-19 “These six things does the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked imaginations, feet that are swift in running to evil, false witness that speaks lies, and he that sows discord among brethren.”” Pieter Kirstein.
I will try my best to convey the will of God concerning this by letting you who read this, access my life and ministry experiences.
It is so true that out of the abundance of our heart, our mouth speaks. We also choose words of death or life. When we touch a minister of God with slander or accusations, we end up being the ones who suffer for it. God gave us a mighty power with our tongue with death and life.
In the early 80’s, I was called to a fairly large church (3,000 members) and had fasted and prayed for God’s direct direction. Well, as faithful as I know him to be, I received a call from a woman who was part of that ministry and she was an associate pastor’s wife.
How she knew to call me was a miracle in and of itself. God had answered my prayer request and on the next Wednesday, I went to a Women’s Bible Study, having my concordance and bibles ready to TEACH these poor women.
As I sat in the back the LORD spoke to me and told me, “Sit down and learn, you don’t know what you think you know!”
Well, that rebuke from God took me three days to recover from. God always is a good Father, corrector and teacher. So I was at that church until God told me otherwise. Through the good, bad and ugly.
I stayed at that church, Why? Because God said so. I was there because of HIM. AND I would not leave that church unless, the LORD made that very clear.
There are some online [e.g. Facebook] who don’t like the term, “Touching Gods Anointed” and believe that if the pastor or leader of five fold ministry gets into sin and trouble, they want to ball out of that ministry, speaking curses and speaking of exposing the leader’s sins.
David was a man after God’s own heart and look at the evil he did. He took another man’s wife, had her husband killed and tried to keep it under wraps. Yes, there are consequences to sin, and David faced hard ones, but he was still a man after Gods own heart.
Even while running from King Saul, David never touched God’s anointed. Did David’s actions effect others? Absolutely! Did God still love him? Completely.
Well, back to my experience in that church. There was a situation where I was being pursed by the pastor. He wanted in my pants. Now if God had not told me to stay there, it would have been a good excuse to leave. I had my own rights and I WASN’T tempting him. I was also married with three kids.
It was going on for three weeks. He followed me around and tried to get me in his office. Well it seemed like I needed to leave, because I didn’t want to cause any trouble, and I blamed myself of things I never did. So I got on the floor on my face at home and fasted and prayed for God to deal with this and show me what to do.
I kept telling God, He needed to either release me or vindicate me. So I was on the floor for days over this. I didn’t want to be a problem.
One Wednesday night as the service started, two men whom I had not seen before, came in. I realized they were prophets. The pastor said, “Hey, I haven’t seen you in years brothers, come up to the podium and tell us what the LORD is saying.”
As the pastors sat down on the first row the men started talking. They confronted ALL sexual sins and after their talk, God moved powerfully on me to prophesy. You could have heard a pin drop.
The altar was open and packed. The sexual sins had never been confronted in that church before and because it was on the leader, it was on the people.
I sat there crying and thanking God for answering me, because from that day forward, I never had a problem anymore with that pastor.
I stayed because God sent me there and I didn’t leave when it got hard. God wants to know if you will stick to the agenda of God and follow him no matter what.
There are many immature Christians and others who judge and slander Gods anointed. When the going gets rough, keep on going on. Don’t run away with your concerns, run to God in prayers. God placed you there to pray through and get a breakthrough. Had I trusted in my flesh or other’s slanders, I would have rebelled against GOD! Touch not! Don’t touch it, don’t say it, pray it.
There is divine order and it is based in the New Testament. If a leader is in trouble, it needs to be handled with great grace and love from those he is accountable to. There is safety in accountability and responsibility. Having others of like heart and mind cover the leader’s nakedness like Shem and Japheth did when Noah got drunk. They wouldn’t disrespect their father.
“Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses,” 1 Timothy 5:19.
We are a product of our own words. Did you know that? By our words we are justified and by our words we are condemned. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
We need to be very careful in how we use our words.
How we speak to others and slander others reveals the heart and motives. Do you realize when you slander someone, you do it to yourself? You will reap what you sow.
God’s got the true leaders, even when they sin and do bad. Our response is prayer, not gossip or slander.
We must know we are sent to a place and not leave until God makes it clear, but never, no never, take these things in your hand, as it will pierce your hand.
Had I not known I was called to that church, by fleshly right, I would have left. I wanted God to lead me.
Until we are in position by God, letting our roots grow deep, you will be only superficial. We are led by God and we stay by God until he shows us overwhelmingly what to do. And when he speaks it, it will be confirmed at least by two or three witnesses.
Some go from place to place and never get rooted good in God. I call these people like potted plants. They will live, but unless they are transplanted, they will get root bound. The plant can only grow in very shallow soil in the pot. The plant will not out grow the pot either. It is stunted in growth.
It is not wise to speak ugly to anyone. Our nature changed when we get saved and we really don’t want to sin or hurt nobody. I question people to make sure they are saved when I see this happen.
We need to show grace, mercy and pray, pray, pray till we get a breakthrough. Even to those who do us wrong. God never said it would be easy or no problems with others. God is about relationships and loving one another and working in harmony.
So my take on all this is, If you see leaders in sin or evil, your job when you see it is to pray and not say anything negative about no one. Our nature as Christians is to never repay evil for evil. We should be about love and respect as the family of God.
It is not wise to touch Gods anointed, it’s best to keep the matter quiet and take your concerns to God about them. He will answer you and vindicate you and your leader will be better for it.
In HIS Grace and Mercy,
~ Sherry Edwards Mackey
Sherry Edwards Mackey
Please Note: Publications and or prophecy taken from this may be used to promote the gospel of Jesus Christ. The articles taken must be used according to it’s entirety with credits. Thank you kindly!
Thank you sister for this good spiritual teaching!
Thank you for this timely word! I am currently in a church that many times I have desired to leave, but I have stayed because the Lord made it clear in a dream that I was to stay. Thank you for your encouragement!
God told my husband and I to leave this church. The pastor should be in prison but my family does not want to pursue this route. Many people including our grown children were left off course because of one man.
I believe he is serving himself and not God, but we are leaving it to the Lord.
He is being bankrupted and is still not able to sell all of his buildings.