HomeProphecyTotal Gun Control is People Control to the Very Max!


Total Gun Control is People Control to the Very Max! — 6 Comments

  1. I just read today a person’s testimony of being controlled by the mk ultra program and now he is a whistleblower. He said sen Byrd was a horrible man who was like a handler of him and when he was with him he said they want to take away guns from the people but it has to be their idea – they cannot force it on us. That’s why they have ‘mass shootings’ by a mk controlled person as a patsy. It was a link on Steve Quayle’s web site today. Very disturbing, I don’t recommend reading it.

    • Thank you for replying Kari, Mary & Betty. I just saw all your comments. It is a definite time to be on the alert; vote and have our eyes open to truth. God will see us through all things as we look to Him. Still we must take a righteous stand ❤️

  2. It’s part of our being salt and light. We must as Christ follower’s, take a stand for righteousness. How is that practically done, in many ways. But in our life here, God had given us this republic, the united states of America,if we aren’t faithful stewards of this gift God’s given us, we are allowing, by doing nothing the country to be given over to the enemy!we must, repent, pray and intercede, and vote at the very least! Then ask God to lead you, in action. For righteousness.

  3. Did you find anything stating Lady Bird Johnson was major holdings in ammunition?  She held major holdings during Vietnam war, making massive amounts of $ supporting that war.

    I grew up with shot gun behind the door.  Daddy had 45 stored in tool box behind heating stove all the while Momma was known to carry. I grew up in the Cumberland Mountains in NE Tennessee.  There are many reasons for protecting, these days.

    Great message, obviously I fully agree today, for sure! ✝️

  4. In Nazi Germany, Hitler preached and imposed Gun Contro ‘For Public Safety.’ When the Jews turned in their guns, Hitler turned around and killed them… because they could no longer defend themselves. The best way to enslave a people is to Disarm Them.

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