Topics of Truth, Hearsay and Division
“But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes,” 2 Timothy 2:23.
There are certain topics that Christians seem to be consumed with these days and I believe that many of them, including some even of the themes that go along with these, can divert us away from what God really wants us to be thinking about.
Some of these words and topics are: FEMA camps, Obama, pre-tribulation, post-tribulation, gun control, to name but a few.
And now of course while we are within the throes of this worldwide epidemic, the names of some scientists, a multi-billionaire, a one-world government, Trump, the Antichrist, and the mark of the beast, also head-up the topics that many are concerned with.
I’m certain that after even mentioning some of these words, that some right now already have definite opinions about these things, their heart rate has gone up, and that they have been involved with others in heated debates.
And yet it is true and should be obvious to many, that we are now living in the very last of days.
While some may well still snicker at that proposal, even the most devout atheist must see that our world is being bombarded daily in ways that it wasn’t even just a couple of years ago.
Things are accelerating at an alarming rate, and it can be difficult even for the wisest to discern what is actually true and what is not. For the stories spread among us at an alarming rate, offering us morsels of truth mixed with falsehood.
Certainly there are some widespread issues that we should be concerned with, and yet as always, these can lead us astray from our relationship with The Father, and they are also divisive in their content in many ways.
This does not mean that some of these concerns are not true, but I believe that they get distorted as they drift across the internet with bits and pieces being added daily to the original text.
We should be people of research, and that research should help us to arrive at what the truth really is. It can become so easy to just follow our special sites that we think have all the answers.
But more often-than-not, they may well be slanted and filled full of opinions and just hearsay.
In saying this, it doesn’t mean that there aren’t some important issues to be considered in these topics, but oftentimes, many of them are steeped in our opinions and the opinions of others, rather than what is actually the truth.
I’m also not saying that there aren’t moral issues at work when studying these topics at hand here. My overall reason in writing something like this is not to debate about any of these topics, but rather, to make a general statement about how a certain segment of public opinion can sway our thinking and perhaps even our beliefs.
On the other hand, a person can write about some of these topics and can do so, with the aim of shedding light upon the subject in a way that the reader sees here an objective mind, one that can use reason to separate truth from opinion.
The same is certainly true about prophecy, for there are times as we now see, when these topics at hand, are laid before in truth from the Father, while at other times, it is quite clear that the one writing or speaking, has a hidden agenda to spread forth his or her message.
This then brings up what does God really want us to focus on?
We know of course that He wants us to focus upon His Word and whatever would be conducive for the building-up of the saints. Is it productive to always focus on some of these topics or can they sometimes divert us away from the call of God upon our lives?
When we read about one of these topics there can be a group mentality that eliminates anyone who disagrees with the topic, and dismisses them as a pagan or a heretic.
Are we still living in the dark ages where we use the instruments of the inquisition to punish those who have been enlightened by the truth?
Or can we act like the Bereans who examined such things in the light of God’s word and wisdom, finding out again what is actually true and what is not?
It appears to me that we are at war, and actually this war now is becoming so insidious that its members are those who are actually among us.
For over the last few years we have in some ways, become so steeped in our stance that we now have become unbending.
Of course there are some things where we should not bend, but our stance over political and eschatological concerns has now become so rigid that true dialogue is not possible with some.
Let’s don’t be afraid to stand-up against the group when that group follows the opinions of others.
Let us be brave enough and wise enough not to be swayed by propaganda.
Let us follow the Spirit of God and His word to know what He is truly saying in this hour rather than what man is saying.
Then perhaps new topics will emerge. Perhaps the topics of divine wisdom, mercy, and truth will replace the old ones.
Perhaps the old wine skins will be replaced by new wineskins, so that the new wine can be filled in them. And then the leaven of the Pharisees will be dismissed, and we will find the manna of heaven instead.
~ Stephen Hanson
Stephen Hanson of In His Truth Ministries came to the LORD is a special way in 1975 and has prophesied regularly since. In these end-time birthing pangs we are reminded that judgment must first begin with the household of God. Will we be prepared and ready?
This word is an outstanding share filled with godly wisdom. I appreciate the content and have read it several times. I will continue to go before the Lord to guide me in His truth. It’s wonderful having Him as Lord, Saviour & Friend, and so much more. I am so thankful for His Holy Spirit and His written word being available to help me understand the difficult things.
My fav takeaways:
“Let us follow the Spirit of God and His word to know what He is truly saying in this hour rather than what man is saying.”
“Then perhaps new topics will emerge. Perhaps the topics of divine wisdom, mercy, and truth will replace the old ones.”
“Perhaps the old wine skins will be replaced by new wine skins, so that the new wine can be filled in them. And the the leaven of the Pharisees will be dismissed, and we will find the manna of heaven instead.”
May God continue to be a Presence in your life.
Awesome. Thank you. God bless.
I am on disability with anxiety and all of these topics are really adversely affecting me. Please pray for me.
Stephen, feel that there is great percentage of “Church” are denominational swayed since doctrinal entry…
Always feel that they have repeated a sinners prayer and think that they have the ticket to Heaven is stamped…
i fear that the only thing that the actually did was to took a vaccination so that they didn’t get the Full Blown Radical Saved Disease…
Need more being led by the Ruach Ha Kadesh, myself…
Just seems to me that 98% are doctrinal to death or denominationly dead w/ zero REAL LIFE…
i myself, want be used like Peter in Acts 3:6. Keep praying for me. Be Blessed…