Time Is Fading Away — War Is Coming!
”Time is fading away, but I will always stay, beside My Bride, and I will hide her in the cleft of the Rock, that she may be hidden from all the wrath that will break forth.
I AM working on the FAITH of My prophets and apostles in training. I AM working on LOVE till it ROARS FORTH like a TURBULENT TSUNAMI, and overtakes you like a flood of many waters.
Time is short for all out war. It will be fought on your home ground in many areas.
Some areas are more safe than others. But the enemy has infiltrated everywhere in America. There is no escape for those who think they are safe.
But there will be a surge of nationalism that will arise with attack on this soil again that will not be quenched due to the pride and violence in the land.
Havoc will ensue, and it will take restraint on the part of many. The enemy seeks but to kill , steal and destroy.
I will turn some things around, but there is little time left before GREAT CHANGE ensues. It has begun to fall apart.
666 – Arising!
Shakings will occur that will lead to a melding of hearts. More and more will be humbled and shocked into submission so that true unity of heart comes to the Church and to the nation.
People will awaken suddenly. Heavenly hosts are positioned for air strike on the roots of intolerance and hatred, and division.
There is a host of armies readied for WAR. Many antichrists will arise worse than you realize presently.
Swaggering words will be thrown in, to lie and deceive, and to direct murder and mayhem, not only in this nation but abroad.
The enemy seeks to cause confusion and chaos. But I have a plan also to subdue all that hinders and twists.
Remember the sick movie, called ‘The Shining.’ Well i have a shining that is coming.
You will be arrayed in glory and carry out My Exploits. You who obey Me and love Me with shine like the stars in the heavens — not only in heaven, but here in this life, in this world, fulfilling Isaiah 60. Kings will come to the brightness of your rising!
[ After this I had an impression of riots in the streets of many nations due to LACK of water, food, provision, jobs, etc. – great lawlessness increasing…]
ARISE AND SHINE. Have confidence in what I have put inside you. You all will be full of JOY at the ARISING of MY LIGHT IN YOU and ON YOU.
Nothing will ever be the same. The enemy knows his time is short, but My Glory will make up for anything he tries to do to you while you still fulfill the call on your lives.
EVERY STONGHOLD will be broken in those I love. I AM breaking all the chains of pride and arrogance and presumption, all the bondage and insecurity, and fears off My beloveds.
I AM rooting out all the bitterness and self hatred, all the roots of many things that have hindered My beloveds.
I will greatly astonish the LOST through you. So relax and rest, and enjoy what time is left, for the busyness will overtake you soon enough.
HOLD ON, for I will do a mighty thing in your time, and it is AT HAND.“
First Published: June 15, 2007.
~ Priscilla Van Sutphin
PRISCILLA VAN SUTPHIN is the founder of Upstream Ministries, California, online at www.upstreamca.org and blogtalkradio.com/ Upstream. Donate to Upstream: via secure Paypal by sending as gift to upstream.ca @me.com or send to: Upstream, PMB 545, 14311 Newport Blvd, Suite G, Tustin, CA 92780, USA.
Awesome. Thanks Sister.
Amen, and thank you for sharing with us!
May Hod Bless and Protect!!