HomeProphecyThree Times the Bear Shall Bite (Updated)


Three Times the Bear Shall Bite (Updated) — 31 Comments

  1. The following is an excerpt from the Philadelphia Trumpet Online Magazine of today. Sabotage of gas lines has already occurred and reported on the Nordstream Pipeline.Today and in the past news has been reported of Chinese and Russian ships targeting the undersea telecommunication lines and cables. This reporter has made known the intelligence behind these attacks in this article and the agenda of China and Russia for world domination. He wrote, “Without proper Internet communications, entire militaries and economies could potentially become disconnected from the outside world. Reports show that Russia and China are already developing satellites with grappling arms and other offensive warfare capabilities to sabotage U.S. satellites. Will undersea cables be their next target?Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry has long warned of the dangers of America’s reliance on computer and Internet technology. In a January 1995 Trumpet article, he quoted Joseph de Courcy, who called this dependence the “Western world’s Achilles’ heel.”A passage in Ezekiel 7 describes God’s punishment for the sins of the nations of Israel, mainly the U.S. and Britain. (Prove this truth by studying our free book The United States and Britain in Prophecy.)Mr. Flurry emphasized one alarming scripture in particular: “They have blown the trumpet, even to make all ready; but none goeth to the battle: for my wrath is upon all the multitude thereof” (verse 14). He explained:” “The trumpet of war was blown in Israel—mainly America and Britain. It seems everybody was expecting our people to go into battle. But the greatest tragedy imaginable occurred! Nobody went to battle—even though the trumpet was blown! Will it be because of a computer terrorist?The Trumpet has often applied this scripture to cyberwarfare, when enemies infiltrate crucial U.S. computer networks. But the cutting, sabotaging or tapping into of subsea cables could do just as much damage, if not more.” https://www.thetrumpet.com/30269-the-undersea-threat-to-the-internet

  2. BUT BEFORE THAT…the Greatest move of God the world has ever seen as we witness bible prophecy come to life!!!  The defeat of the 4th beast of Daniel 7, when (Rev 6) we see the wrath of the Lamb upon His enemies sending them to hide in their underground bunkers (if they can! This being the 1st fall of the Babylon of Revelation) and the emergence of what creation has been groaning to see, the child of Rev 12, the sons of God manifesting on the earth, the one new man, the release of the 1st angel (Rev 14) taking the gospel to all nations, tongues, peoples. And the 2nd angel, announcing the fall of Babylon. That child will be 12 at the end of this decade! Look for him as the pattern was established by Jesus at His 1st coming when He was found by His parents confounding the Pharisees of His day! FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS YOU WERE BORN!  Praise God!!

  3. It is my belief that the the Leopard with 4 heads of Daniel 7 is Germany, as the word above suggests, and we are living in the days of the rise of the 4th Reich(4th head).  When this present beast is defeated, the 4th of Dan 7, the one unlike the others, and the 10 kingdoms form from the multipolar world forming now, the beast (the final beast) will rise and 1st gain control of 3.  As Germany is even now the key economic economy within the European Union, It very well may be so when these kingdoms form, within one of the 3 that the final beast controls, along with Russia(the Bear) and ?England?(the Lion, also the Lion of Daniel 7). 

    Rev 13 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

    2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

  4. Watching with anticipation, I don’t however as many do, believe the deep rumbling sound from underground was Nord Stream. I watch for something else, what, I don’t have a scooby but I watch. YHWH is on the throne and nothing happens without His permission. The enemy can only move his chess pieces when YHWH gives the nod.

  5. First Martin Luther and the reformation came forth out of Germany, followed by Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust last.
    “The first will be last, and the last will be first, and all that has been done is that which shall be done”. Therefore, it is written that great evil will rise up first in the land, and in the midst of it a resurrection. “Where sin abounds grace more so”. The fullness of darkness brings forth THE fullness!
    Your dream is written Sister.

    • Bonjour Annabeth,

      La réforme n’est pas née uniquement en Allemagne comme beaucoup le croient. Pratiquement au même moment, en France et en Suisse, des hommes comme Lefevre d’Etaples et Zwingli prêchaient la justification par la foi.

      En réalité, la réforme est née simultanément dans ces trois pays.

      [ HKP : “Hello Annabeth,
      The reform was not born only in Germany, as many believe. Almost at the same time, in France and Switzerland, men like Lefevre d’Etaples and Zwingli were preaching justification by faith.
      In reality, the reform was born simultaneously in these three countries.” ]

  6. Father I thank you for your ministering angels send for the heirs of Salvation to Tiwain to save the nation from slavery and destruction in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord

    • When I was very very small, like age 4, I dreamed a bear picked me up like an adult human would, and carried me around our yard, which at the time was in Tucson AZ.  I do not remember feeling scared or any other dream details.  I did not remember it as a nightmare.  What I cannot figure out is the meaning or where I would have seen a bear.  Maybe I saw it on television.  The other odd thing is that I remember it at all.

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