HomeProphecyThis Season is a Testing Time!


This Season is a Testing Time! — 2 Comments

  1. Hi Pastor Lowe.
    I can truly testify that if we trust in Him, He will absolutely provide.
    When I started this journey of complete surrender almost 10 years ago, I was homeless. I was working and making great money, I had a company vehicle and was promoted to the top of my department at a high-end remodeling company, but I was a mess. The Lord has since then stripped me of everything, which it turns out was really less-than-nothing!
    But as I remained in complete obedience I can report that I have truly wanted for nothing. I didn’t have the fancy wardrobe and makeup anymore, or the top job or company vehicle or friends, It was extreme what He asked me to surrender, but I did it. And He’s been completely faithful ever since. I’ve got a beautiful home, 3 beautiful grandchildren, my relationship with my son and daughter and even my ex was reconciled. I don’t look like the world I had on, but in His eyes I’m exquisite, and that’s all that matters!!
    God bless you beautiful lady!! :)

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