HomeProphecy2025This is the Year of the Ox — My Apostles Are Being Set in Place


This is the Year of the Ox — My Apostles Are Being Set in Place — 6 Comments

  1. I “Perceive” a prophetic significance may be found in the Texas “Longhorns” beating Ohio in the Cotton Bowl next week and progressing the National Championship however improbable that might appear.
    Texas vs Penn State !
    Let’s Go Jesus !!! HALLELUJAH

  2. Glory to God! Thank You Lord for Strengthening & Establishing Your Apostles in the Year of 2025 as they Fulfill their Assignments! I receive the strength to do ALL that You have called me and assigned me to do as well! I Decree that My Youth is Renewed Like that of an Eagle! Thank You Lord for Never leaving or forsaking us! AMEN!☝

  3. Thank you Christiana for this beautiful and comforting word from the Lord!!! I have been waiting for the manifestation of this word in my life as I am in need of strenght. I believe this is speaking to my heart and bringing this to pass.  Blessings to you and yours!!!

  4. Happy New Year Christiana!!
    There’s much significance in this word for me, it’s quite a gift.
    I’ve waited long and hard….very hard, for a vision of the Ox to come to pass, I know in my spirit it’s now.
    God bless you beautiful lady!!

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