HomeProphecyThis is an Appointed Time!


This is an Appointed Time! — 1 Comment

  1. Early this day, on the 8th Day of Tabernacles this year, I read your precious comfort first, but also all the comfort and encouragements of my dear beloved brothers and sisters. I want to thank you ALL here at HKP. I know, there is no need to describe more details of the wicked psychoterror through relentless gang stalking over 12 years, that has done much damage on health, relationships, through destruction of jobs, reputation, dignity, human rights etc. Targeted individuals worldwide do not lie. Zes, GOD and His angels are stronger and I can testify, He never has forsaken me. I do not know if sister Cherish Berge is reading this comment, but if you do: Sister, our GOD one day will expose every detail of the inhumane perfidious mistreatment that was done against us. They have done it against our LORD, too.

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