Things Will Come Together
“My will shall be done in earth as it is in heaven,” says The LORD.
“Who can stop ME from performing it? Can I be counseled? Can I be advised? Can I be manipulated? Can I be controlled? Can any power overwhelm ME?
“Nothing can interfere with My plans and purposes and will, and nothing can change what I have ordained of old.
“The times and seasons that I have set forth will not be delayed, not be disrupted and will not be less than MY PERFECT Will,” says The LORD.
“Things will come together the way that I have purposed in your life, as you entrust My perfect will and plan for you,” says The LORD.
“Who can do a greater work in you than ME? Who knows you better than I do? Can you count the hairs on your head? Can you number the cells in your body? Can you see the future? Do you know My Higher thoughts, and have you seen My higher ways?
“My Plans will come to fruition and you will be a finished work as I AM your builder and Maker, your redeemer, Savior and LORD.
“JUST trust, obey, and follow the steps that I order, and know that all will be well, for I do all things well, and every purpose that I have prescribed for your life will be done to perfection, by My power, and be on time, on schedule, and be GOOD and complete,” says The LORD.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.
Yes, my Heavenly Father and Almighty Jehovah. YOUR WILL for my life be done and fulfilled, in Jesus’ Name.
Love, Jay
Love you my God. Thank You So Much. Thank You Ma’am.
Amen! Thank You Lord for this encouragement!