They Are Leading Many to Hell
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I pray the all encompassing grace of God be upon you, drawing you to His heart, where you are caught in the beauty of His love, being rooted deeply and grounded securely in the richness of the faith in Christ Jesus!
I pray the glorious praise of the Father’s Name be made known to you, through the bounty of His goodness, where He causes you to abide in His rest, the place of His promise, fulfilling and watching over His Word, as He brings forth the double-edged sword to divide between your soul and spirit, between intentions and motives, to bring to bear what is operative within your emotions.
In Jesus’ Name!
I pray you see the glorious diadem of the overwhelming power of the cross, a sparkling jewel, a treasure, a pearl of great price, for which you long for others to know, as you shine the brightness of the Light of Christ within you, knowing that God works all things to your good, bringing spiritual maturity to bear, as He reveals the Mind of Christ, the far reaching love from His throne, bringing the abundance of His presence, so you are fulfilled and satisfied within your soul, knowing ALL IS WELL!
In Jesus’ Name!
Amen and Amen!
God bless!
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I hear the Father saying:
“I AM with you My child, fear not.
I will not leave you nor forsake you.
I AM the wind beneath your wings, mounting you up into higher places in the knowledge of My Word, where I transform you in the power of My Might, bringing justice and righteousness, to give you freedom.
I AM exposing areas of rejection and fear, removing doubt and unbelief, as I bring you into a deeper understanding of My power and Might, where I AM your Shield and your exceeding great reward, bringing you truth and mercy to heal and deliver you.
I AM the God of greatness and by My right hand, give My People the power to be great, where the sustenance of their life, is the bread and meat I portion out, bringing refreshing with Rivers of Living Water, so that you enter into My Rest.
Do not be caught by the divers of fear and temptation in the present day, for Jesus, the Anointed One, the Son of God, has overcome all the power of this world, where it shall by no means harm you.
I AM with you and will give you grace upon grace, and favor upon favor, and I tell you My Child be not tossed about with the things of this world nor the doctrines of man, but KNOW ME, and ABIDE IN ME, where your very being will be refreshed, renewed, strengthened, causing you to abound in the greatest of hopes, during the darkest of times.
Did I not proclaim that My people will arise and shine in the midst of great darkness?
When I come to visit the nations in the day of My Vengeance, The Day of the Acceptable Year of The LORD, I lift up My People, to walk in the greatest of power, because of the need.
I tell you My Child, be not shaken by the things man puts stock in, do not be tossed about by fear or double-minded.
Be at peace My Child and know that I AM WITH YOU, and will remain with you, giving you strength and mercy, pouring forth the blessing of My Grace.
I have not left you My Child, I will keep you hidden in the cleft of the Rock, as you abide in Me, during the time of testing and trial that is to come upon the whole world.
Walk resolutely in My peace, guarding your heart, where you are blameless before Me with clean hands and a pure heart.
Do not speak evil of one another, but walk in My Healing, My Grace, and My Glory, knowing that I will visit you and will lift you up in the glory of My grace, to pour out My Love!
Amen and Amen!
God bless!
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Beloved of God,
The heart is so deceitful and we can be ignorant of the vanity and pride, the haughtiness and filth that is within. It is a critical hour for us to cleanse our garments as in Revelation 7:13-15, in the Blood of the Lamb, consecrating our body unto God, which is our reasonable worship.
So many people use the name of The LORD God as a hashtag. We are bothered when we hear others take the Name of The LORD God in vain, yet we ourselves are guilty, and have no room to judge or speak on the matter.
We use the Name of The LORD God in conversations, excusing our bitterness, our rudeness, covering our pride, when we treat others in an ungodly fashion, hashtagging God’s name onto it, saying, “God told me ….” “I’m just being obedient.”
The only thing you are obedient to when you do this is your own belly, the flesh! It is the appetites of the pride of life, wanting to be right, and dismissing the fact that you have rotten fruit, when you are impatient, rude, unkind, gossiping, slandering, and the like.
When you do this, YOU USE THE NAME OF The LORD GOD IN VAIN! It is no different from the lost who cuss.
We have to be fervent and earnest in cleansing our garments, and it’s not going to come without humbling ourselves in fasting and prayer. I am speaking about and for myself. I am preaching to myself.
Saints we have to master our emotions and our tongue! We have to take thoughts captive.
God bless!
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I pray the bounty of God’s love is made known to you in your inner man, pruning that which is unclean, bringing you healing and deliverance, from the things of this world, where you know the glory and richness of His grace, within your self-image, beholding the beauty of His Holy Name with an unveiled face, transformed from glory to glory!
Glory to God!
I pray you are caught in the depth of His Word, where roaring deep cries out to roaring deep, at the springing forth of His water spouts, making you thrive with ambition and hope, resurrection power, which is your inheritance, as you bear abundant fruits of righteousness, glorifying the Father, The LORD Strong and Mighty in Battle, Who has brought you through the trial, through the testing of your faith, where you do not smell like smoke, where you have not drown!
Glory to God!
I declare you are strengthened by the mighty power of God, Who is Living, The Living God, Who has brought you out of the wilderness, where you hold onto your crown, knowing faith and righteousness, friendship with God, as you are given FAVOR FOR THE SEASON!
In Jesus’ Name!
God bless!
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To have clean hands and a pure heart, not lifting your heart up to an idol, or swearing by your lips anything that is false, that is the generation of those who seek God’s face! Unto that generation, He will reward them with RIGHTEOUSNESS from The LORD God of their Salvation, to enter a greater GRACE, a greater GLORY, a greater HARVEST!
This is the generation, of those that shine like the stars and win many to righteousness, being with moral rectitude, to stand for justice and truth, mercy and grace, knowing He is a God Who is Holy, full of mercy and compassion, reaching forth with His right hand to bring many out of darkness and into His marvelous Light!
He will not leave your prodigal, but will VISIT THEM IN POWER! He will break the chains of oppression, destroying them completely, as they come up out of their spiritual grave and walk in the beauty and understanding of His Light!!
Be hopeful and expectant, know that God is faithful and is a rewarder of those who DILIGENTLY SEEK HIM, bringing them near to His heart of promise, where He illumines the heart and mind, taking them from glory to glory, in the image of His likeness and beauty, which is HOLY!
God bless!
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I have had a few message me about what I have been posting for people to fast and pray and about Matthew 24, so I AM going to put it here for you to comprehend what God has been showing me.
Let me preface this with the fact that I have taught and written on Matthew 24 many times, and know the chapter well.
Monday morning, God brooded over me in the Spirit of the Fear of The LORD and said, “Robin, Matthew 24!”
As I heard the still small voice within my inner man, Holy Spirit was stirring in my belly; I knew what Matthew 24 was.
I began to read the Chapter and then upon my reading, Holy Spirit in the Fear of The LORD increased where I was trembling in my inner man, like fire shut up in my bones.
Upon reading, certain verses leapt out, where I heard Holy Spirit proclaiming in loudness the urgency of the scriptures.
In Matthew 24:4-22, God began speaking to me of the great deception and the great falling away, and said, “Robin, many will fall away in this hour in greater measure than you have ever known.
The great deception is upon many and the chasm between the wicked and the righteous in My Church will be made known, as I separate the chaff from the wheat, the sheep from the goats.”
I was trembling and God continued to speak as He pointed to Matthew 24:5 where many would come in the Name of Jesus declaring they had the anointing and they would be false prophets and false teachers.
I have warned on these false ones many times; and will prompt you in what The LORD showed me that 85% of the prophetic is false. I shuddered and trembled in fear as He continued to speak.
God then began showing me the birth pangs of the end of the age, and then pointed directly to Matthew 24:9 declaring that many would be handed over to suffer affliction and that we would be hated by all nations.
Then I heard God say, “Robin, this is soon to come upon My Church, for they have not known the hatred yet in the USA as in other nations. My Church in the United States will know this bitter hatred in this hour, and many will suffer for My Name’s sake.”
Then God pointed out Matthew 24:10 and said “Robin, many will began to desert the faith, as the stumble and fall away, betraying one another and having hatred of one another because their love has grown cold. Lawlessness will be multiplied, and the spirit of iniquity will increase.”
God began to show me the increase of the power of the Gospel of His Kingdom and how it would accelerate in this hour and reach many in the nations to bring in the harvest, and then showed me the urgency of listening to His voice, and not being deceived.
Again many false prophets, apostles, evangelists, teachers and pastors would come proclaiming they had the anointing and it was a deception to see if the hearts of people were on a movement of spirituality that was not godly, being given over to false wonders and signs that would lead many astray into hell.
Again God began to warn me and say, “Continue to watch and give out the supply of food needed to My People in this hour for them to have strength to endure.”
I was trembling and in fear as God kept speaking, and He brought a peace simultaneously that caused me to have confidence in His working in the Word.
I finished the chapter, when then a couple of hours later I was sent a message by Imani, who said she had a dream about me. In the dream she said I was preaching and warning people that something was coming in January and that there were those who were in the dream that would not listen and were left behind.
I knew her dream was confirmation to what God was speaking to me earlier in the morning in Matthew 24, and that Matthew 24 is about the soon coming return of Jesus and the last days.
I believe January signifies the beginning of a time, and that in her dream, God is waking His church up to see that the time is shorter than we can perceive and that we need to be seeking Him in prayer and fasting.
God has put souls on my heart more than ever and I talk about it in Great detail in my new book, Clawing and Gnawing, referring to the Sac of Souls.
The Holy Spirit stirred me deeply while writing that book, about the end days, and I AM getting that stirring now about Matthew 24.
Please seek The LORD and do not be deceived!
Many, many, many are false! Many come in The Name of The LORD and they are not anointed by Him! There is a fly in the ointment! They are leading many to hell.
We will be hated Saints of God, by ALL NATIONS, and we have to set our heart on the Love of Christ; it will get us through!
There are weapons being used that many do not know of, where antimatter is being released into areas, stirring up violence and causing evil behaviors.
I actually get into that in my new book, too. God has shown me much, that many would call conspiracy, but I know the reality!
Please be in prayer!
God bless!
A blog re-post from September 26, 2018 from my Robin Kirby-Gatto site.
A saint crying out to God for fullness of deliverance and the manifestation of salvation.
~ Robin Kirby Gatto
Robin Kirby-Gatto operates in the prophetic, bringing the testimony of Jesus into the earth through the scripture Revelation 19:10 “For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” Robin walks in God’s Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding and is brought into areas to bring a revelation of God’s Truth, The Word as the Holy Spirit brings forth God’s anointing into her ministry.
Phenomenal. Thank You.