There Will Come a New Perception of Clarity
“For now we see in a mirror, dimly but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known,” 1 Corinthians 13:12.
“The new season ahead will bring with it some promises, and with it some more clarity.
But with this clarity, there will come the realization that much of what you believed to be true, has been in fact, masqueraded as The Truth.
For there will come a new perception of clarity during this time.
For many who thought they had clarity did not perceive as accurately as they thought they had.
For it is true that ‘now you perceive dimly, but then face-to-face.’
For indeed, this verse is about your relationship with Me, but the perception of that which I speak, is about your understanding of current events.
Many of your perceptions have been colored by your opinions rather than by what is true.
Some of you have looked into the mirror of truth and have assumed that what you saw there, was indeed, a clear image.
Your prejudices and opinions, have distorted the image.
How many of you have followed the status quo about political issues or your favorite bible teacher?
How many of you have sat at my feet and have clearly heard my voice in the matter?
There is a movement that appears to attempt to pigeon-hole prophets into certain political beliefs rather than The Truth.
You have to empty yourself of everything that is not of Me.
Clean off the mirror so that you can see clearly.”
~ Stephen Hanson
Stephen Hanson of In His Truth Ministries came to The LORD is a special way in 1975 and has prophesied regularly since. In these end-time birthing pangs we are reminded that judgment must first begin with the household of God. Will we be prepared and ready?
Stephen is a full-time Artist of original architectural, landscape, portrait, still-life and spiritual oil paintings, available at
There is a movement that appears to attempt to pigeon-hole prophets into certain political beliefs rather than The Truth.
Oh, how true is the above statement! The “movement” isn’t organic, but planned, deliberate and from the wicked one. A huge, controlled psy-op. And people are completely unaware since they don’t test their own prophecies against God’s Word, and from which Spirit it was given. Or when they do, they test it against THEIR (taught) idea of what God’s Word said or meant. Like the controversial topic, “Who is Israel”. Do they search God’s Word on what He said about it, or do they believe their taught opinion?
From Americans, I find the latter to be true in the far majority of cases. Which is exceptionally sad, when they will one day realise who God actually saw as “Jacob” and “Israel” and “Jerusalem” and “Zion”. How He traced the bloodline descendants, and who and how He added “gentiles” onto the Tree of Life, Jesus Christ. If only they’d opened their eyes sooner, so much heartache could be spared for them.