There Will Be Only One Of Two Verdicts
Make no mistake about it, when we stand before the throne of God we will come from only one of two positions.
We will either stand before Him based on what we have done or we will stand before Him based on what Jesus has done on our behalf.
Likewise, there will be only one of two verdicts handed down to each of us on that day. Either we will be found guilty based on our inequities or we will be found innocent by the blood of Jesus.
Finally, there is only one of two ETERNAL destinations that lie before us. Either we will receive our just punishment (Hell) or be the recipients of God’s grace (Heaven).
That day is coming. It may seem like it is far in the future and you have many days left to decide but it is likely much closer than you imagine. Ask yourself honestly, “What will my position be on that day?”
There will be only one of two verdicts available. On our own we stand guilty. On our own we fall under the words, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”
However, through Christ we are not judged based on our failures to abide by God’s holy law but based on Jesus’ success in fulfilling the law.
Each and every one of us will remember these days on earth. Again, we will do so from only one of two positions. Either you will look back upon them as the greatest days you ever knew and lament the fact that you will never know them again.
You will weep and wail for the hope that is forever lost for you know the die is cast and the verdict will not be reversed. Or you will look back upon these days and rejoice for the God who sent His Son to deliver you so could inherit His promise of salvation.
On this day you may choose your position. On that day, your position will already have been decided for you. Choose JESUS. Choose LIFE.
~ Mitch Salmon
Mitch Salmon is the founder of Fisher of Men Productions and a follower of Jesus Christ and proclaimer of the Good News – The Gospel of Christ Jesus!
Hello Mitch,
I believe we are continually in a state of ‘verdict’ and that our outcome is dependent on if we have walked in obedience (to the spirit) or in disobedience and the final judgement will come quickly, without that we know when it happens and we will suddenly, in a ‘nanosecond’ be found inside or outside Christ,
in light (Godly knowledge) or in darkness (separated from God).
This is also the way Enok was transfered into God’s Kingdom, and before this He ‘had the witness’ that He walked in obedience and therefore were changed into glory.
If we are found inside He will be revealed inside us and we will see Him in ourselves the same way one see one self in the mirror.
If because of disobedience- found outside one will not see Him at all.
“he who is having my commands, and is keeping them, that one it is who is loving me, and he who is loving me shall be loved by my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him (not to anyone else) John 14:21
“for we see now through a mirror obscurely, and then face to face 1Cor.13:12
“we all shall be changed;in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye
“Happy the clean in heart because they (are the only who) shall see God Matt.5:8
“By faith ( perfect obedience) Enoch was translated not to see death, and was not found, because God did translate him; for before his translation he had been testified to that he had pleased God well Hebr.11:5
“I say to you, If any one may keep my word, death he may not see John 8:51
Therefore everyone must work on their salvation, because
the gate IS narrow.