HomeProphecyThere is Another Line in the Sand


There is Another Line in the Sand — 7 Comments

  1. Thank you Jesus for the privilege of being in YOUR army! Help me to put on the full armor and be brave!  Thank God for you Bro Chris! Pray that I am led by the Spirit! We all will be one in the Spirit and The enemy will not stand a chance against us!  Christ in us the ONLY hope of glory!

  2. Ha! My Father knows me well. God would say ” do not say ‘ it’s not my job’. That seems to be a daily saying lately.
    Time for a change in my attitude.

  3. Your message is very helpful for me because one of my students had a dream about aliens attacking people in a big department store yesterday. He said the evil beings destroyed surrounding buildings. To a long story short, the monent he had an attack, an armed army arrived and defeated them all. Hallelujah! God bless UK. Hae Won from South Korea. Happy to know you.

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