There is a Plumb Line Falling in this Hour!
Saints, there is a plumb line falling in the Spirit in the this Hour. It is likened to the time when Noah went into the ark Just Before GOD SHUT THE DOOR and the rain began to fall.
Thus Saith the Lord:
“Run to Me and seek Me with all your hearts all your minds and all your strength. Seek Me and obey Me, both what I speak into your spirit and what I have commanded in My word.
Come into the secret place and be hidden in Me and I shall be your shelter from the storm.
I shall be your safety and your protection. I shall be your strong tower. I shall be your protector and your provider. I shall be your pillar of fire by night and your cloud by day. I shall be your God and you shall be My people, My Bride, My Sons and Daughters, My Holy ones.
I shall appear to you and in you and through you each and every one of you who has fully surrendered to Me!
This is your hour to rise and shine. Multitudes shall come to the brightness of your rising and your manifesting as my Sons and Daughters. All shall know that I am with you, in you, and for you.
I am writing My name on your foreheads and Sending you forth Clothed in My Power as My Torch bearers shining brightly in the midst of the greatest darkness the world has ever seen Amen!”
John 14:23 (AMP)
23 Jesus answered, If a person [really] loves Me, he will keep My word [obey My teaching]; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home (abode, special dwelling place) with him.