There is a Generation I am Waiting For….
The message as heard on December 16 and December 20, 2011.
“I will start doing in openness what is written in My word. My People will not doubt that I have followed My word as it will be clearly manifested in the physical (Isaiah 55:11). It shall create and recreate your lives, it shall be your treasure for there lies whatever you need, feast upon it, this is My season when I visit the seed of My word to bring harvest in your lives individually and corporately.
I am following up in this divine restructuring of My body and I am specific with what is spoken by My prophets concerning the end of this age (Matthew 24:6, Mark 13:8).
Anyone who understands My word concerning these times and seasons is at My heart beat. I am selecting Nations, peoples, those that are my servants and aligning them with times, seasons and places to fulfill what I am eager and excited to get done. In the coming times prosperity will be the song but I will put a mark in whom I have truly prospered (Exodus 9:4). My word shall be the key, obey it and you shall enjoy the peace and fatness of the land I am giving you. The blessing of Obedience will manifest awesomely.”
I heard him repeatedly, saying, “Obedience, obedience, obedience”.
“I will be dealing jealously with people that I have called and so the nations. All souls are mine, the world is mine but above all my riches, I am concerned with human souls more than anything I created.
Why are souls seems to be far from me?
I am the father to Israel, but to the Church, I present myself as the Bridegroom, for I have chosen an intimate relationship with them. I am now urgently calling my people to a place of word festival, where I can reason with them, a place of true worship, servant hood and sacrifice by obedience. In this place I shall do My part.
Sometimes My part simply means the rewards you get from suffering for My namesake or may be calling you to a total peace and absolute solace even in the storm. Whatever I am doing in the body and in the world shall have a distinction for you will know that I am the Lord who is dealing with you justly.
There is a generation I am waiting for, people who will not cry when I break, people who will not mourn when I kill; People who will not walk away from me when I tarry. They simply take me as I am the Lord, always safe in me because they know me so well even my love.
In my stirring and shaking, the Nations, most things in governments, will still not work. The best programmes and confederations of men and governments will back-fire.
I the Lord, the living water is the solution for the world, any other solution is not a solution. I am jealous this much,”
says the Lord.
“I saw “headache” in the Arab nations, people literally shaking their heads because nothing works and no pacts hold. What was meant to work never worked. They are men; they say, “One more uprising and we will be recognized,” but they won’t. They form grand alignments of deceit, hate and cruelty, there is lawlessness, not because they are law breakers, but because laws of men will not work with me at this time, but I will use anything to settle my purpose.
I smell discontent in most Nations, cities, villages and families around the world. Its like the all world is in protest, one nation at a time. Is this the the right way and right means to fix things in Africa, Europe and Asia?’’
Then I saw the illustration, it became live to me, a perfect picture of the church. King Saul, David and Jonathan. Herein lies one of the strangest and saddest relationship. For Jonathan it is a story of courageous young man, actually moved, at one time in the power of the spirit, he was unselfish. The Lord would use Jonathan to deliver the Israelites either by few or many. He was a king’s son. He was fit for the battle, swifter than the eagle and stronger than the Lion. There was a time he had to crawl up a mountain on his hands and feet to get to a great slaughter of the philistine. God stepped in with earthquake and trembling. Victory followed. Jonathan also knew and enjoyed the palace. Loyalty of a king who happened to be his father, the king loved him and hated him at the same time because of his new covenant with David , a mere shepherd boy.
We see the love between Jonathan and David. Jonathan Loved David as his own Soul, he even had to strip himself off the robe that was upon him and gave to David his garment, sword and girdle. A strong love between shepherd boy and a prince. On the other hand Kings Saul’s hate for David grows and grows for no good reason. The spirit of God had left him. Jonathan knows David is the incoming king, he prophesied about him and prophesied about the position he would take when the son of
Jesse reigns, seat next to the king’s. The saddest thing is that Jonathan wanted to please the old and the new at the same time. The incumbent and the incoming. The old age and the new age. The flesh ruled King Saul and the life giving David.
The Lord speaks to me this picture. Many Christians are like Jonathan, they have fine qualities, they make the initial covenant, the crucial confession with the Lord Jesus, they desire and once in a while sail in the power of the spirit. They want to have the “anointing”. They like where there is more of God. They “know” the ways of God, they “love” him. But they will not join with him in oneness even in the cave of Adullam.
The Lord’s heart is grieving; a section of his people cannot see the need for the separation from Saul, even if Saul is your father or your king, there is no favor of God upon him. He is the flesh, the old age. Two choices are necessary either to remain with the “people’s choice” or the Lord’s choice. You either join with David and live or remain pleasing Saul, serving the flesh and die to destruction.
A true Christ and Lord of your life meet you at the cross. The cave of a Adullam is a perfect “geographical” area to join the true Lord. We unfortunately form part of this distressed team, “in debted in away” and many members are weak. God is calling his people to join in his suffering, to bear His mark. There are mighty men and women of God raised today. It is a small. Rejected and sometimes laughed at but it is real and effective. They shall have Nations and take over the gates. It is
happening already (Matthew 16:18).
Woe unto them who sticks with King Saul. When David finally gets the throne Jonathan who had promised to rule side by side with him was nowhere. Jonathan might be like you and you are like Jonathan, there is no much sin mentioned about you but you do not endure, you do not fight a good fight and might sadly not fulfill an ultimate goal.
- He did not leave the old.
- He did not join David at the cave of Adullam.
- He died young, fighting the wrong battle and pleasing the wrong king of his life.
We find Zadok who enthroned the new and the right king early in his life. He had made choices in favor of David and not Saul, Absalom or Adonijah. The sons of Zadok are after many years reserved the Glory of great temple in the realm of ministry.
“But the priests, the Levites, the sons of Zadok, who kept charge of My sanctuary when the children of Israel went astray from Me, they shall come near Me to minister to Me; and they shall stand before Me to offer to Me the fat and the blood,” says the Lord GOD. “They shall enter My sanctuary, and they shall come near My table to minister to Me, and they shall keep My charge. And it shall be, whenever they enter the gates of the inner court that they shall put on linen garments; no wool shall come upon them while they minister within the gates of the inner court or within the house” Ezekiel 44: 15-17.
I hear the heart of God for the coming years. The true sons of God wear only linen there service is UNTO the Lord, this is not a sweating matter. They had remained holy and faithful. The Levites who erred will be by grace of God allowed to serve but there service is for the people, they only gate keep. They will never come into beyond the veil.
“And the Levites who went far from Me, when Israel went astray, who strayed away from Me after their idols, they shall bear their iniquity. Yet they shall be ministers in My sanctuary, as gatekeepers of the house and ministers of the house; they shall slay the burnt offering and the sacrifice for the people, and they shall stand before them to minister to them. Because they ministered to them before their idols and caused the house of Israel to fall into iniquity, therefore I have raised My hand in an oath against them,” says the Lord GOD, “that they shall bear their iniquity. And they shall not come near Me to minister to Me as priest, nor come near any of My holy things, nor into the Most Holy Place; but they shall bear their shame and their abominations which they have committed” Ezekiel 44:10-13.
I believe the church need to learn The Lords heart more often than ever and should have a divine shift from the areas the Lord is pointing fingers:-
- True believers will be known by their fruits, there shall be clear exposure of good and evil, individually and corporately in the body. Some known characters will quickly demise while the unknown who really love God will take over. l believe media and true voices of God shall be instrumental in exposing the weeds in the church (2 Corinthians 6:14).
- It is only true repentance that shall connect believers to .this “fresh” move of God. The army of God is already in existence many more shall join daily monthly and the coming year and years. Do not be left out.
- The works of the Holy Spirit driven by love, demonstrated by signs and wonders shall be more intense. We are living in the times of INCREASED out pouring.
- The focus should be ministry UNTO the Lord (Worship, holiness and sacrifice) These shall be his friend, the joy of the Lord shall be their strength and amazing things shall be done through them.
- Christians should identify Grace for themselves. Personal revelation of grace will challenge the body to humility and repentance.
- Its pride for the believers to think God only blesses them. I have in the recent past seen some believers claiming to be better than one another. God will continue to pour his prosperity in the world and the church. In the coming year He will allow and award his principles whenever it is applied BUT those who walk in his ways are going to have true prosperity and their mark should be “wholeness”
- God is drawing his people of like minds to the true altars, true worship and true servants. Fatherhood and servant hood is the key.
- Divine pressure is on the apostles, prophets, evangelists, teachers and pastors to not only be the careers of the message but to also BE the message.
I now pray in the Name of our Lord and Jesus Christ, that you will be established and deeply rooted in His word. May the Word of God create in your lives what you need in the coming season. May the body of Jesus Christ have a full revelation of who God is, God is a God of generational blessing so that many years after the first covenental promise to Abraham, those who accept Yeshua as Messiah and continually walk in his ways, can continue to reap the rewards through obedience.
~ Prophet Peter Odhiambo
Prophet Peter Odhiambo of Heart Revival Network International, Kenya is a Prophetic End-Time Minister of the Gospel, preaching in Crusades and open air Revival meetings. The LORD continues to show him the apostasy in the Church and the need to prepare the Bride, fit for the Wedding of the Lamb, as in Revelation 19:7-8.
AMEN. indeed the word of the LORD is alive now and forever.
To God be the glory.