There Is a Command I Require of You!
If you desire more of Me, there is a command that I require of you, that you obey.
Have not I not said in My word that those who love Me, they must keep My commands, and as you keep My commands, then you abide in Me? As you abide in Me then you can truly ask what you will and I will do it for you.
This is My requirement, children. I know your heart, I know your desire, but you must yield all of you, and as you do says the Spirit of grace, I will empower you to obey. I will empower you to obey, and every time you obey a little of you dies, for I have said in My word that you must die daily.
Every moment of every day your flesh tries to rule you, your thoughts try to move you, but if you obey Me then I will call you My friends, for it is then says the LORD that I know you are after Me, that I know that you really love Me.
It is those who love Me, who then obey Me says the LORD, that I will bless and anoint, and then I will walk with them and talk with them and then understanding, insight and revelation will come clearer to them as they walk in obedience to Me.
This is the time, this is the time, for many things are going on in this life that you live in, many things are trying to draw and pull you away from Me. Many things are calling for your attention and your affection but this is the time that those who obey, they purpose in their hearts to walk with Me all the days of their lives, they look beyond what they see in their circumstances for the revelation I have given them.
The revealing shows them that I AM doing a great and mighty work, and they keep their eyes on Me and keep their hearts steady and they will run, they will run after Me like never before.
This is My command for My children, run after Me, obey Me with all your heart and crucify your flesh daily and you will know Me in a deeper way. So now I say if you really love Me do those things that I have called you to do and you will be My own, and you will be My treasured ones and you will be My peculiar ones, separated from the world but even in the ones who call themselves My children, you will be peculiar says the LORD. So run, run, run after Me, keep My commandments and run after Me.
Don’t be like Peter, just because John laid himself upon My chest, resting in Me, Peter thought I favored him because John loved me more. I AM saying to you, do not judge and do not be harsh and critical of those who have chosen to obey Me, because as they obey Me I hearken to them.
You are in a process of learning to yield yourself, your thought processes, your flesh and everything that hinders you from consistently saying yes to Me and as you do say yes, you will recognize there is a change going on; on the inside of you, do not resist and do not fight.
I AM perfecting you, causing you to mature in an area that you have never matured before. I AM saying yield yourself completely to Me and you will find a brand new you. When I finish with the work that I AM doing on the inside of you, you will stand erect like you never thought possible.
You will be known as a child of obedience and many shall come and follow because of the obedience you are exhibiting in your life every moment of every day. You are making a choice whether you will yield your will to Mine, or whether you will allow your will to be the god in your life.
This is your choice, I have given it to you but now you must choose, and when you choose I come along beside you and I help you. Every moment I help you, you will see the revelation of understanding, for I have said in My word with all your getting, get an understanding, and as you do then you will understand what I AM doing, and why things are going on in your life and you will know, and you will not be afraid, you will not question, you will not falter and you will not fall anymore.
Instead you will hold yourself strong, you will march through this time says the LORD, and you will come out victorious and you will receive a crown of glory and a crown of victory for standing and walking with Me, for not quitting and not giving up.
So do not be like Peter busy looking at John, wondering “why” things are happening in your life that are not happening in another one’s, but keep your eyes on Me. Steady says the LORD, steady as you march towards the goal and I will bring you to that desired place into the promises that I have given you, I will not change so I AM requiring you to stay the same.
Do as I do and you will come into that desired haven says the LORD.
“If you [really] love Me, you will keep and obey My commandments,” John 14:15.
“If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you,” John 15:7.
“Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you,” John 15:14.
~ Debra Lowe
Pastor Debra Lowe has served the LORD for 39 years as a Prophet to the nation. She also walks in the office of teacher and is an intercessor using these gifts to minister to the body of Christ, teaching men, women and children to enter into His presence causing them to mature and be changed by His Word. As a servant of the Most High God she brings forth a word in due season to the body of Christ.
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