The World’s Highest Marathon
Qualifiers! You are being made fit for the LONG HAUL!
He will enable you to see more as you GO the DISTANCE!
“I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living! WAIT on the Lord! Be of good COURAGE and He shall strengthen your heart. Wait, I say, on the Lord,“ Psalm 27:13-14.
“Be patient and steady in this race, for it rests in the balance you carry on your shoulders – your weight is lifted and your burden carried by others, for this race is a TEAM effort – so GO the DISTANCE – TOGETHER!
Do not attempt to carry the burden alone, for THAT is a trap you get caught in – full of the weight of self-works and self-love, which turns to self-loathing when you cannot possibly go it alone!
You were designed to be part of the team! The BODY and its members all essential to be connected by the SINEW of the SPIRIT. Never let up!
Your team is with you! BASE CAMP – your foundation – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – all creating you for this good race – preparing you for endurance and giving you the BREATH for it – the WIND behind your back urging you on!
Are you up for the challenge? No! Not alone! But with this team and all We bring, you are a GUARANTEED WINNER! A SHOE-IN! Made fit for the Kingdom of God and taking all the tribe of runners along with you!
This race is FIXED! All you have to do is STAY in it!”
After Holy Spirit spoke these words to me, I contemplated more about the term ‘Base Camp‘ and could only think of it as being associated with a mountain climb, but not a marathon.
I looked for more and found I was right, it is that ‘base from which mountain expeditions set out’, BUT believe it or not, there is an EVEREST MARATHON!
I am so excited about this! I had no idea this was a thing! He wants us to see, indeed, this is our RACE- Uphill! The most challenging kind of marathon created!
And our BASE CAMP, our FOUNDATIONAL PROVISIONS, all right there, found in Father, Son and HOLY SPIRIT! Isn’t He amazing?
Notice also, that He is telling us here, that the BODY is being held together by the SINEW of the SPIRIT!
This about blew me out of my chair! Knowing the word, but still looking up ‘sinew’ by definition; ‘a piece of tough fibrous tissue uniting muscle to bone or bone to bone; a tendon or ligament; the parts of a structure, system, or thing that give it strength or bind it together.’
Come on, Jesus! Is that cool or what? Listen, He wants us to know what we’re made of as the BODY of Christ and by whom we are HELD together – literally, by the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD! I don’t know about you, but I’m just blessed all over by this word! This is good encouragement to share!
Possibly my favorite thought here and one of the sweetest things about our beautiful Father is that He has FIXED the race for us to win! Hallelujah, Jesus!
Think about that! It is SET. FIXED. He has set us up for SUCCESS if we only STAY in the RACE!
It is a family joke that my mother, who loves us all so very much, still would (and will) NEVER consider setting a child up to win a game of any kind!
Her philosophy has always been that we learn best by doing it and we would not be made better if she let us win. (Plus, she’s super competitive and truly hates to lose…which may be beside the point here.)
But this UPHILL MARATHON, this CHALLENGE of our LIFE, our Heavenly Father has set for us to WIN! In His PERFECT LOVE and PLAN for us, He has gone ahead and SET the VICTORY through JESUS!
My friends, brothers and sisters, beloved of God, BE ENCOURAGED!
STAY the course and KNOW that you are a GUARANTEED WINNER with HIM!
“In this way all who have the gift of prophecy can speak, one after the other, and everyone will learn and be encouraged and helped.” 1 Corinthians 14:31.
With Love and Belief,
~ Jill Steele
Jill Steele. Truly, it’s not ‘About Me’, but has always been about Him. I am a grateful, willing vessel, broken to be used.
My passion comes alive in writing, offering encouragement, sharing perspective on life, and pointing others in the direction of the Heavenly Father.
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