The Wind Blows Where It Pleases!
“The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” John 3:8.
“The wind blows and no one knows where it comes from. The same is true of My Spirit, for The Spirit comes forth in waves of Glory.
It springs forth as the ocean waves. My Throne sends forth My Waves of Glory.
For in these days, My Spirit intercedes on behalf of My Saints. For even when you are torn and twisted; even when you have been assailed by the things of this world, My Spirit will come as the mighty wind.
For no one has seen the wind. No one has seen My Spirit, but you see the effects of it. For all will be revealed.
In these days, I will cause the lame to walk. In these days, My Spirit will be poured out upon dry land.
My Wisdom will be given where needed, and once again, My Men of Renown will come upon the scene. Great feats will be done, for I will cause blind eyes to be opened. For these are the days that many have longed to see.
Cease from your divisions. Cease from those things that divide you.
My Spirit will guide you into all Truth, even when many around you are being deceived, and even so, a great Army is coming.
For these are the days that point to those things that I have outlined in My Word.
For a great Army will surround My Holy Land. The battle will be bloody, but in the end, the Heavenly Hosts will prevail.
You are on the edge of many things, My People. But don’t turn back, for I will give you My strength, and wisdom for the days ahead.”
First published: June 20, 2012.
~ Stephen Hanson
Stephen Hanson of In His Truth Ministries came to The LORD is a special way in 1975 and has prophesied regularly since. In these end-time birthing pangs we are reminded that judgment must first begin with the household of God. Will we be prepared and ready?
Amen & Amen!
Ten years later, this word still stands!
that’s right secret dem control the narrative
Amen for this Word from 2012, Stephen.
It bears witness with my spirit. The Lord never leaves His people without hope no matter how dark the circumstances.
Almighty God whonevers fails. Selay.
Amen & Amen. Lord,we need you more than ever before to fill us with your Holy spirit to guide & keep us in unity. Father, may you increase, may we decrease. We know & believe you are a covenant keeping God and will do as you have spoken in the prophetic words above. God Bless you prophet Stephen for sharing.