The Wheels Within the Wheels Are Turning!
“The wheels within the wheels are turning!
Time is moving — time keeps on ticking,
Beloved — the Seasons are progressing even faster than you believe.
I AM He who rends the Heavens and comes down. The earth is groaning. The seas are roaring. The Heavens are declaring the Glory of The LORD — The King of Glory!
The earth shall shake as The King of Glory comes in.
You, My Children, are of The Kingdom that cannot be shaken. Those who have made themselves low shall be raised up and the high things shall be brought low.
I hold the sun and the moon in My hand.
Fear not — the enemy wants you to fear these times, but I say BE EXCITED for what I AM doing, for you are a part for such a time as this!
I use My Sun and My Moon for a Sign — a sign that the King of Glory comes in.
Yahweh is the King of Glory!
The sun and moon shall kiss and declare, “The King of Glory comes in!”
Get ready to be caught up, caught up to higher Places.
Suddenly, My Spirit moves! Suddenly the mighty rushing Winds shall come in — the Fire falls like Healing Rain.
It is not the sign of the end — but it is the sign of the Beginning for you, My Children.
The earth shall shake and the people shall tremble under My Power.
It is a New Beginning! Lift up your heads, your redemption draws near.
Shout unto your God with the voice of triumph!
Lift up your heads, you gates! Lift them up, you Ancient Doors, that the King of Glory may come in!”
~ Deborah Waldron Fry
Deborah, the words you have been posting lately have been a huge confirmation to the things the Lord is drawing my attention to and speaking to me.
Thank You. I used the word uptick yesterday…a word I don’t normally use. That’s one of the ways the Lord speaks to me..when a word pops out of my mouth that I don’t normally use. I’m grateful for confirming words.
WOW confirmation Thank you.