The Weak in the Faith – Pt 3.
When one considers the weak person, he soon discovers main reasons they are weak.
There are for sure foundational reasons why someone would be weak in the faith.
The first lesson I wrote said that one should receive into their fellowship a weak believer… but added: ‘but not to doubtful disputations’.
In other words, it is the correct and Christian thing to do, to receive people into a spiritual body aimed at helping them become even more spiritual, and to grow up in the faith.
We should never turn anyone away, just because they are walking in a weak manner of life. [it simply means that they have not grown up in The LORD and walk as a carnal man/ woman].
Carnality is fleshly. One who is spiritual, walks in the spiritual making spiritual decisions based upon The Holy Spirit leading and teaching.
When one comes that does not walk spiritual, it simply means he/ she are not following The Holy Spirit.
Then you have in scripture the teaching about the Fruit of The Spirit.
It should be known that fruit is the result of the tree [the insides and make up of the tree].
Jesus said that out of the mouth comes that which comes from the heart. Then the indication here, is if the weak speaks bad things and acts in bad motives, it is a heart problem.
All believers have at some time demonstrated heart problems, because all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God.
But the same scriptures teach that men should grow up spiritually, because they are born again in The Holy Spirit who lives within each believer.
If one is weak, he walks carnal [fleshly].
There is much said in the scriptures about the flesh, and how men who are spiritual will not follow the flesh.
Consider the following verses to see the scripture teaching of the spirit and the flesh:
“For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the spirit the things of the spirit.
For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the Law of God, neither indeed can be.
So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God,” Romans 8:5-8.
It is clear then from the above scriptures that to be walking in the flesh [feelings and wrong motives] is the enemy of God.
A carnal man/ woman who is fleshly can do much damage to others [the Body of Christ] if that one does not grow up in The Spirit.
There are many people today in the Body of Christ who are born in The Spirit, but still allow the flesh to live. [Please understand that only the spirit man or new man is spiritual, but the old man the flesh is earthly]
Born-again men and women should know that the body will yet be saved and changed into the spiritual body in days to come.
This is why, exactly, the scriptures teach that we must die to the flesh everyday. [the Apostle Paul taught this clearly, the crucified life].
A weak one then, can be one who is not crucified… [has not put his/her flesh to death].
They have The Holy Spirit inside them by the new birth, but, let the flesh dominate the spirit.
It is a very serious thing, to allow a weak fleshly person to come into the Body [the Church] and wreck it with carnal motives and actions.
This is why the scriptures teach those to put out one who causes division and problems of the flesh.
The putting away of such a person is only to follow [giving them the real chance to grow up spiritually]. Those who are spiritual, are to be helping them, by teaching them right from wrong.
Spirit from flesh. Good from bad. It is therefore concluded we must try to help them grow up…..
But if they do not listen to the Word of God and grow up and show signs of growth…. But begin to cause trouble, then those who are spiritual must walk away from the carnal, else they be tempted too and led astray.
Many “Churches” today are carnal, and are filled with weak believers who walk in the flesh, not The Spirit.
~ Desert Prophet Ken Dewey
The light will shine in His glory… In the desert.
Evangelist/ Prophet/ Pastor Ken Dewey is the founder of “OUT OF THE DESERT MINISTRIES“ in Belen, New Mexico, USA. He writes on this Web Site, many Prophetic words, Sermons and teachings while leading people into true church settings and preaching in an End Time Gospel Ministry.
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So true.