HomeProphecyThe Ways of God and the Fullness of His Kingdom


The Ways of God and the Fullness of His Kingdom — 6 Comments

  1. First read this on telegram while travelling long distance. The funny thing is, those past few days I had been thinking about something similar to your initial question in bold. Mine was about building heaven on earth. I didn’t get much further than usual, being busy. So interesting and so much to think about. Thank you Marietta!

  2. Thank you sister Marietta. As we cross the Red Sea we also cross the Jordan. As Moses told and retold the essentials as Deuteronomy got along, so must we. We must be shod with the preparedness of the gospel of peace.

    • Interesting that you mention preparedness. There a word brewing in me I was going to release soon on just this subject!  Lord bless you and yours!❤️

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