The Vultures That Are Scavenging on Carcasses of the Dead
The LORD showed me the face of an owl.
The owl has great discernment and wisdom she waits and watches in the night!
She lays eggs, makes her nest and hatches them or “break” them that is, the eggs, by sitting on them, when the young ones spring out of them; and then being hatched, and running about, gather them under their wing, especially when in any danger because of her love for her young ones to keep them out of arms way.
But, one thing for certain where their is an owl, there is also a vulture! And, there shall the vultures also be gathered, every one with her mate.
This vulture is a scavenging bird of prey. He or she is not concerned with discernment based upon helping you but their own flesh!
They will not pray for you but are there to prey upon you and their concerns are not about being a blessing to you but is all about who they are in character: scavengers!
A scavenger is one who comes to gather and to collect from you and to discard you as either waste or garbage people!
They will eat while you hungry and drink while you thirsty! They are all about one person; self and what is in it for them!
Yes, they are like the owl in some ways like all false five fold ministry gifts they discern and watch but it is not a gift fresh God but the flesh!
Vultures are known to swoop down on their prey to eat the dead things as long as it feeds and satisfy them!
So, when they are watching they are not watching to nourish you and to birth you but they are waiting on your death and for you to take your very last breath!
People, the vultures are family oriented birds just like those who camouflage themselves in the Body of Christ, but the sad thing is that there vocals are different than the owl, because the owl God said to me will say, ”hoo-h’HOO-hoo-hoo” because they have great discernment and want whoever is there to identify yourself self as they watch and observe to cover their young but the vultures they have no voice box and they just hisses, rasp and grunts searching for the dead, but thank God, The LORD has made a distinction and he said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand, (John 10: 27-28).
Some people only prey upon you; instead of praying for you and this is why they come with nothing but drama of dead flesh!
“The eyes of The LORD are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry,” Psalms 34:15.
There shall the great owl make her nest, and lay, and hatch, and gather under her shadow: there shall the vultures also be gathered, every one with her mate.
~ Apostle Geraldine Fisher
Apostle Geraldine Fisher has a World-Wide-Social Media Net-Work Ministry. As a Missionary, God moved her into the Office of a Prophet, revealing to her the qualities of a True prophet, humility, humiliation, loving others, interceding in prayer, as she keeps her own life clean to accurately hear from God. Since hearing the audible voice of God calling her to ministry, she’s been called to intercede and pray for others in ministry as God speaks, instructs, directs and gives prophetic words for her to give to others. God promised He would bring her to sit and to learn before great men, all of which He did!
This is great. Thank you Lord. Amen. And God bless.
This is so awesome. Wow wow
There are many vultures in the Body of Christ and they prey upon the chosen elect and the sheep are asleep. These vultures are viper snakes with no intension or concern of your well being or your walk with God and if they found you in a sin, there is no time to pray for that person for their deliverance and for God to bless them. Why should they? It’s more fun to watch a person die in their state then to see victory in another’s life, while they themselves prosper and live in their freedom. A total shame and disgrace in the sight of God. Jealousy and being selfish are rampant.
Wow how God uses nature! Have you read the book by Enliven Publishing called “Prophesying In The Dark: What The Owl Taught Me”. I believe we need discernment in this hour because much is lurking in the dark to deceive God People. Please keep me in your prayers