The Valley of Deep Depression
Some might call this place the dark night of the soul.
Many have come up to a time in their life where they are having a hard time coping with what they are facing.
All along up to this point they have been walking fine, trusting in their salvation, having the faith to face their everyday situations, but this is something new and they feel that they are out of control not able to cope or even to stand in faith.
What does this sound like but a time of great transition?
What The LORD is using to promote many the enemy is making it to appear to be a time of great defeat and loss.
Cast down the vain imaginations that fear brings and hold on to the Father’s hand and He will lead you through this great valley of depression and He will show you that you have a great horizon up ahead.
There is the promise land waiting for you as you continue to press in with all your mind, soul and spirit. You have great grace and divine favor to lead you to victory where you will reap what you have sown.
“You have planted much as you walked in obedience and I have promised you that I would prosper you and give you health as your soul prospers in Me.
So just tell the enemy that you aren’t receiving what he is offering. Cast down those vain images for they are all lies. What the enemy has tried to bring forth in your life I will bring good out of it.
You will have a great breakthrough where you will stomp out all defeat, depression and despair and you will run with a great testimony of My Faithfulness,” says your God.
“Where there has been depression I will bring joy. Where there has been defeat I bring victory. This is the day that I have made. Now rejoice in it.
If I AM for you who can come against you?”
~ Yolanda Ballard
Yolanda Ballard of At The Father’s Feet website, shares with you, the body of Christ, the words she’s received quietly sitting at the Father’s feet. I believe Jesus set the example for us to follow. Whenever He could He would come apart from the busyness of the world so that He could quiet Himself before the Father, for that is where He received direction and strength to carry out His will.
Beautiful. Thank you.
Thank you so much for this message. Being able to explain and make spiritual things plain enough for others to understand is not easy. Thank you for your faithfulness and may the Lord bless and keep you and yours.