The Valley of Awakening and Victory!
Early this morning I woke up feeling restless in my spirit and sleep would not come, so I began to speak to The LORD concerning the nations and the effects of the virus/ Covid-19 within the nations.
As I talked to Him about this strange hour of lock-down and the season of shut-in, I heard these Words, “The Valley of Great Awakening and Victory!”
As I heard those Words, suddenly I saw in the realm of The Spirit a doorway that led to a deep valley and I heard The Spirit say, “A birthing place of great Awakening and Victory in the nations of the earth…
A valley where the Rivers of My Glory flow and trees for the healing of the nations set the boundary lines….
Look! For the soil of the valley is fertile for the seeds of Faith and Hope to grow and take deeper root…
So watch, watch what emerges from the battlefield in the valley, for surely I tell you, this deep and steep valley of shifting dark shadows and uneven footing shall become the birthing place of mighty brave-hearts and victorious over-comers in the days ahead…
For this is a Sacred Place where Secret Treasures and great riches are hidden in dark places…
Yes! It’s a valley of deeper encounters and divine breakthroughs where a time of isolation, grief and suffering will make way for a greater outpouring of supernatural signs, wonders and miracles in the nations of the earth…
Therefore beloved, fear not!
For in The Valley of Great Awakening and Victory, every rock of uncertainty and confusion and every boulder of doubt and fear that threaten to derail and delay your advancing will become stepping stones that will accelerate you to new and greater levels of Glory, Liberty and Kingdom Destiny…
So watch and listen! For in The Valley of Awakening and Victory I will teach and train by My Spirit of Revelation, Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding, you to see, hear and move in a new way…
For the eyes that were once blind will see with greater clarity…
And the ears that were once deaf will hear with greater accuracy…
And the feet that were once heavy and sluggish shall begin to move in a new way and with a greater momentum.
For I will give you feet like hind’s feet to walk on the high places on the great mountain of The LORD, where the great eagles soar at the sound of the roar of The Lion of Judah…
So watch and pray! For out of The Valley of Awakening and Victory a new Kingdom Era is birthed and a new movement of radical reformers shall arise in the nations of the earth!”
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West
I have just seen today 5-8 20!!!! It is confirming what God has been showing me in my Devotions!!! Spot on with the word VICTORY!!!!!
My dates of devotions was 4-19 to 4-25-20 He’s saying Pray keep praying… watchers are to stay alert for ways to press in on specific prayers!!! Thank you for your post! God used it to confirm my direction!!!
I can testify that this great awakening has blessed my life.
I hadn’t followed God for a long time. However, in recent years I’ve become awake to what is going on in the world, and this has helped bring me back towards God.
I pray that others will be blessed by this great awakening and healing of the nations.