HomeProphecyThe Valdres Prophecy


The Valdres Prophecy — 10 Comments


  2. It is so hard to judge what is and is not true prophecy these days. There are so many apparently GOD fearing Christian prophets today saying things that sound almost the exact opposite of this regarding what is coming. Some of what this prophecy says does seem accurate, some could clearly be a result of the cold war atmosphere at that time, the part about immigration is somewhat accurate but seems more a result of a globalist scheme than what the prophecy indicates as poor people just wanting a better life. Also most of the countries have had open arms thanks to conspiring government operating against the best interests of the people. BTW, didn’t GOD say something about people having their borders?? I can’t recall the exact phrasing. I don’t know. I just listen and watch. My hope is in Jesus Christ, not my ability to pick the correct prophet.

  3. As a former RCC (Roman Catholic Church) member, one whom God brought out of that false religion, you lost me when the guy said that he just finished a catholic Mass. This is obviously a “Catholic” prophecy, which, ANY thing coming out of the RCC is not biblical nor can be trusted as from God.

    • I don’t think it’s an RCC prophecy at all. It’s unfortunate that he uses the term ’mass’, but elders from a nearby church are unlikely to attend a catholic mass but they might attend a communion service, which I suspect this is what the author refers to. Also, in one respect, it matters little where the prophecy came from as I counted at least nine prophetic pointers of which eight have been totally fulfilled – the exception being WWIII, nuclear war. This vindicates and proves the prophecy beyond question. It may be that the author, Immanuel Minos, came from a culture that uses the word mass rather than communion – I have heard the Anglican Church refer to it as such back in the 60’s!

      Please don’t throw the baby out with the bath water! This is a proven prophecy already and rejecting it because of its suspected source, after it is fulfilled, is a little pointless.

    • Actually, the author of this was African, from Congo who lived in Norway. However the 90 year old lady, who gave the prophecy to him after a meeting, was very much a Norwegian Christian from the local church on Valdres or the area.

      • My prayers for the border crisis in the Nation of the United States of America is that God would pour out His Spirit here upon ALL whose feet are touching the soil of this land…legally AND illegally, thereby taking what the devil has brought upon us to kill steal and destroy and work it for Good. I also pray for divine intervention for the children that are being sold for slaughter, rape, satanic ritual abuse and organ harvesting, as it appears the greatest exchange seems to be at our borders. I pray that the head of pedophilia and occultic ritual blood drinking (witchcraft) would also be decapitated, disintegrated, and blown away and that the people poisoned and infested would be healed and delivered.
        I don’t see the illegal aliens being treated poorly here, quite the opposite, and I pray to never see such atrocities happen to them as they did to the holocaust victims, or anywhere even close to that. God help us!!
        I do appreciate your sharing this prophecy with us Mr Bennett. I’ve been praying, and I hope that’s what those who read it will likewise do.
        God bless you.

        • Dear Cherish,

          While I agree with your good intentions, your statement is a confirmation that many Christians are not living in reality. Just like many Christians refuse to talk about politics. I have a friend who is a pastor and he refuses to discuss politics cause obviously for him politics is not from God. I have a question for you. Do you go to into the streets and bring the needy into your house while not taking care of your own family? This happens right now in this very moment in this country. We, the citizens are the beggars to our own government that we fund.
          The Word teaches us to keep watch. Otherwise the enemy comes in like a flood and it will tie down the owner of the house, steal, kill and destroy everything. Well, this literally happens across the US.
          When the governments become evil that’s what happens and please take this from someone born in a communist country. What we have now in the US is worse than communism at the moment. Many legal immigrant came to this country specifically for its laws. Now these illegals come here for the lack of laws. Many legal immigrants also came in search of God in this country. Many of these people are not here to search for God. While we can pray and wish, the reality is these people organized by NATO and many NGO’s are using these caravans to bankrupt and destroy the very fabric of US. Diversity has become Adversity.

          • Dear AP, agreed!!
            And I’m also aware of the nefarious intentions of extremely corrupt politicians in executing the flood of illegal immigrants into our land. Its ghastly!! And I believe they’ll reap what they’ve sown.
            My only disagreement with you is that God is much bigger than the political system of this world ( which is passing away). The Government which is being birthed into His earth is the one upon His Shoulders, and it is Divine Kingdom Justice and Truth. It’s Kingdom Government, not man-made systems.
            This is my prayer to our Father AP.
            God bless. :)

    • Hi Dj,

      Emanuel Minos, who recorded the prophecy was a Pentecostal Pastor, as you can see in his wiki page. He was not Roman Catholic. His wiki page states:

      Throughout his life he was an active preacher, especially in the Pentecostal movement. He worked especially in Norway and Sweden. He has been referred to as the “Billy Graham of the North”, and is referred to as highly regarded. Minos also distinguished herself as an opponent of abortion.


    • If God could use a donkey to chastise Balaam, He can use anyone, including non-believers, to prophesy. Numbers 22:28, 2 Peter2:16

      [ HKP : Edited as requested ]

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