HomeProphecyThe Urgent Need for Prayer!


The Urgent Need for Prayer! — 3 Comments

  1. Bro. Chris –

    Everything you wrote is what I’ve been saying for such a long time also (that family, friends were tired if hearing me- and told me so).

    I’ve wondered at times….”Lord, are there others who are feeling the same thing and they just can’t shake the message off”. Then I saw your post today. I have my answer. It’s in our bones, Ezekiel. The WORD is a fire in our bones. God put it there. And it has purpose.

    Heard Rev. Mario Murillo message, and others, who are spiritual ‘Paul Revere’s’ for our times. We just need to carry on and finish our race. Some will listen. Some never will repent. But our job is to finish our assignment heaven commissioned us for. No regrets.

  2. My long comment just disappeared, I’m so grieved. So I will just say thank you for your posts and these so needed prayer points! God bless you and Linda as you so faithfully serve our Lord. Joyce M

  3. Lord Help us & remind us as Born Again Believers of the Lord Jesus Christ to pray for All Leaders in Authority, to Pray without ceasing & -to Pray your Word Fervently- including “2 Chronicles 7:14 says, “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land”. ☝

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