The UK and Identificational Repentance
Earlier, I posted this Give Him 15 broadcast from Dutch Sheets.
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I then posted the video [on Facebook] with this comment.
“I wonder if we should do the same here in The United Kingdom for past wrongs against the various peoples? Scots, Welsh and Irish spring to mind first!”
In The U.K., I was thinking of events like Llewelyn sacking much of mid to north wales, including the border town of Welshpool, saying, “Welsh will never again be spoken here!”
Or of the Jacobite wars, Culloden and Bannockburn in particular.
Also the annexation of Ulster by William of Orange, and the still continuing factions of hostility between north and south Ireland.
Old curses and old sores still rampant today, even if to a far less obvious extent.
When we were in Welshpool, Wales in 2018, we heard about the curse of Llewelyn, and we prayed, repented, and broke the curse by having a lady pray, in Welsh, for both forgiveness and repentance. We felt the curse lift.
I’m wondering today about us organising groups in Scotland, Ireland, other parts of Wales, and England to do the same thing there.
A prayer tour, if you will, to break the old, embedded, curses from generations long since passed. All sides need to do some Identificational Repentance on behalf of their ancestors and the present day peoples who wittingly or unwittingly continue to remember them.
This goes in both directions — the ‘oppressors’ and the ‘oppressed’ on both sides, even if the oppression was occasionally somewhat one-sided!
Seriously, when we plant stakes and sound the shofar, we feel the atmosphere change, even to the extent of feeling that a new portal was opened!
I’m certain that WHEN, not if we do this Identificational Repentance, and again sound the shofar, then atmospheres will change, curses will be broken, portals opened, and revival will be loosed upon our lands.
The Holy Spirit is leading me to break curses, and to bring healing by this repentance, and He’s speaking to some of you in these ancient ‘accursed’ areas to join together in unity to do the same.
How about it?
For your country and your neighbouring countries – wherever in the world there’s a border, there is a need to break old curses, repent, and invite The Holy Spirit to heal your lands!
Let me know — comment or message me on Facebook!
~ Chris G. Bennett
Chris Bennett came to salvation in 1962 but didn’t begin ministry until 2007 — a late-comer! Now mandated by The LORD to prophesy and open old wells of revival in the U.K., but especially in Wales. He has also operated Healing Rooms, and worked with deliverance teams, all with his wife, Linda. Happily now doing whatever The LORD asks of them! Founder, with wife Linda, of their ministry The Upper Room Encounter.
Thank you, Chris. Identificational repentance really does “cleanse the land” which otherwise records the sins of the past and has become the territory of the darkness. I was very struck on Saturday that so many towns where the disturbances of Saturday in the UK happened were ports associated with slavery, and I found even Sunderland had such a history; Rotherham in the news today- Sunday, has been associated recently with sexual grooming of children and worse.
I pray Christians in these areas can address this as if you are doing “identificational repentance” you need to have a connection to the area where the problem is whether by blood or by home-town or by being a redeemed sufferer, as in Rotheram who can offer forgiveness.
I’m not sure what you are inferring with this comment. I have commented before regarding ‘generational curses’ that is is not biblical, scriptural, nor is it legal. This sounds a lot like current ‘middle class’, ‘liberal’ or ‘woke’ thinking that is currently infecting our countries with it’s insidiousness. Are you suggesting that all the ancestors of people in those areas were involved in or benefitted from slavery? Do you believe in ‘critical race theory’, and ‘white privilege’? Do you believe that we should pay reparations to people? If so, then you do not know the bible, the law, or the history of the UK. This thinking is from the USA, whose history with race relations is far, far different from the UK. William Wilberforce abolished the slave trade from abroad, but he did nothing to help the native working class who were sold into the poor house and lived in very poor conditions.
The bible says that I am NOT responsible for the sins of my fathers. I am responsible only for my own sins. Reparations or making restitution should be as a result of conviction by the work of the Holy Spirit, not as a result of pressure from political activists. The law also says that I am responsible for my own sins and innocent until proven guilty.
We cannot go back and change the past, but we can act to spread the gospel now. People need to hear the gospel, be convicted of PRESENT sins, be born again into the kingdom and live lives of service for others NOW.
Regarding Scotland, there are many historic, recent past and current. The highland clearances where the people were cleared out by the landlords to make way for sheep, is now being replicated by ‘rewilding’ in the name of the ‘environment’. People want to come and make Scotland a ‘national park’ or tourist destination. They introduce or reintroduce species which were either not native or died out e.g. sea eagles which kill lambs in breeding season. They don’t care about the damage this does to the land or people’s livelihoods.
In recent history, we were not allowed to speak our native Scots language at school, being punished or belted if we did so. We were also not taught all Scottish history at school. (The only subject which was compulsory at school was English, as a requirement for all jobs). This has the effect of causing division between children and their parents and grandchildren. It robs them of their culture, history and heritage. The perception is that if you speak Scots then you are uneducated and ungodly. Many of the older generations were godly people and Christians, my own area having experienced many revivals.
Having worked in a christian literature organisation in Africa the gospel was translated into many different languages and dialects.
People coming to ‘bring the gospel’ to Scotland don’t bother to learn our language or culture. They come to ‘educate’ and ‘convert’ us. They behave as ‘spiritual tourists’, but bring a half baked and heretical gospel. Apparently God only speaks in or understands the Queens English and can’t understand native Scots.(Please note that I am not speaking about Gaelic. Not all Scotland spoke Gaelic). Thankfully the God who understands our tears, groans and sighs is not so limited.
By ‘native Scot’s’ language, I’m assuming rightly or wrongly that you refer to Doric (if that’s how you spell it.) I thought this was limited to Aberdeenshire – that’s what I understood from the couple who introduced us to it. I suspect that less than 1% of the uk population outside Scotland has ever heard of it! I’ve never even seen it referred to in Scottish newspapers! But, here’s my point, identificational repentance would cover these issues no matter what the language used. Repentance comes from the heart. It doesn’t require an understanding of all the customs, history, or language of either party – just a willing and contrite heart, and a desire for unity and forgiveness in Christ with our fellow believers.
Am I missing your point?
I think Christianity came to Scotland from Ireland – so you should probably try to be less resentful of “spiritual tourists” – we are all brothers and sisters in Christ after all. The very first thing my paternal grandmother (the Lamont) said to my English mother was “I hate the English”. It’s probably time we put all that nonsense & ancient resentment behind us. If you go back a few generations everyone was having a tough time.
Interestingly I was led to do exactly this sort of prayer of repentance recently whilst attending a family party in Argyll. My paternal grandmother’s family are Lamonts, who were massacred by the Campbells at Dunoon (having themselves previously massacred the Campbells at a place called Killmun- just across Holy Loch from Dunoon). The bestiality of the crimes committed by both clans does t bear repeating – similar to the worst atrocities of the Yugoslav war. Worse, these places had been great spiritual centres before they were besmirched with murder & horrific cruelty. I found myself praying for forgiveness, reconciliation and a cleansing of the ond – but also forcefully declaring that the land belongs to Jesus – not to Campbell, Lamont or any other clan.
I think this initiative is an excellent one – but given that there is hardly an inch of the British Isles that hasn’t been soaked in the blood of battle at some point in our long & contested history – it might be a rather lengthy process.
Hi, From the internet, in N.Wales:
Portmeirion Village is well known as the location for the 1960s cult TV series The Prisoner. It comprises a cluster of colour-washed buildings around a central piazza, scenic surroundings and extensive woodlands,
And, in 2009 a miniseries was made; is it time to set the captives free or clean the alter?? Anyway, just a thought to help revival. thank you for what you do!
I’m in agreement with your quest in doing identificational repentance there. It definitely works. I’ve seen communities, cities, & areas change because of the wisdom in doing this.
I believe it’s probably needed worldwide, as we, as mankind have done some really horrific things to GOD’S creation.
Praying you will get exactly the ones needed for your quest & obedience to put this out to make people aware its needed. GOD Bless you!