HomeProphecyThe Ugly Ducklings Are Really Beautiful Swans


The Ugly Ducklings Are Really Beautiful Swans — 7 Comments

  1. I’m so glad the Lord led me to your post today Deborah.
    Daily I’m criticized and persecuted.
    I used to be entangled in the snare of vanity, comparison, competition and the like. So much so that it kept me in bondage to a very serious drug addiction. I’ve thrown it all away, and the price has been more painful than I can express here. The persecution is night and day, people I don’t even know….thanks to the internet and our wonderful cell phone technology this kind of cruelty is viral.
    God is so good to give those of us suffering in this way encouragement and comfort. This is the true reason for the Prophetic, I’m much edified and extremely blessed….I can’t thank Him enough, and you as well Deborah.
    God bless your beautiful heart!!

  2. those words of prophecy and the ugly duckling story fit me to a T this morning its exactly like I felt…..no one can hurt you or make you feel unworthy like your own children can….I am 84 yrs old and past few weeks satan did his best to throw his arrows at me through them…even though I have done my very best to treat them with great love and encourage them greatly …I realize that they too are being battered by the enemy…but I am at the moment being made to feel unworthy by them as satan continues to use them….I pray for and try to do my best to all who I come in contact with only to be used and battered by the ones who meen the most to me….I know the Lord is with me in all this and with prayer and worship and praise all will be well..Thank you Lord for your faithfulness

    • Hello, Joanie.  The enemy is trying so hard to divide and destroy families.  He knows his end is coming soon.  Yes, Jesus is forever faithful and always right beside you .  You are so very, very precious to Him.  You are His delight.  I have friends and loved ones that I am praying for as well.  I will agree and pray with you for your family divisions to be supernaturally healed.  Blessings!

  3. Bellissima fiaba! La Grazia è nascosta agli occhi del mondo, ma un giorno sarà rivelata e la gioia sarà immensa!

    [ HKP : “Beautiful fairy tale! Grace is hidden from the eyes of the world, but one day it will be revealed and the joy will be immense! Thank you! Blessings♡” ]

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