HomeProphecyThe Two Phase Visitation Revival


The Two Phase Visitation Revival — 1 Comment

  1. Yes, yes, yes, yes.  Again, I am impacted by your word, Chris.  This is what we have been anticipating in our little corner of the world in SW Ontario, Canada.  The sense that something immense is coming, overshadowing any previous outpouring, with characteristics that will astound and shock even.  And yes, it will lead to some struggling to believe that this could be the Lord at all.  But my heart is on no other journey now, except the longing for the “more” that is coming upon his people and then the people of regions all over the world.  Dismantling principalities and powers as it does, and causing a people to rise up in their great authority in the Christ, releasing power from heaven to all those in need.  Anyway, don’t let me ramble on, because this is all I am waiting for now.

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