HomeProphecyThe Transparency of The Precious Soul


The Transparency of The Precious Soul — 15 Comments

  1. I am behind this door. And the never ending demonic torment is overwhelming. I received the revelation of self forgiveness and self love the same day you published this message. I am going to pray for this healing. I am here behind the door. If you are willing, I would appreciate your prayers!

  2. Dear Sherry!

    I really liked your story, because – not like that, but I also went through the pits of hell… so much so that I wanted to die: it’s better for everyone if I don’t exist… and I couldn’t bear the burdens anymore. Hatred and misunderstanding surrounded me from all sides and the demon of alcohol suffocated me.
    Then MY JESUS touched me after a prayer…peace came over me, the alcohol disappeared…this happened 34 years ago. I received Isaiah 54 as my word of life… I have been healing ever since… only in Him… every day small miracles, small discoveries in the Lord, He teaches and heals in my garden and through me… the wounds go away or heal….
    I hope I don’t have to meet your door, but if I do, I’ll remember.
    I think of you with a sympathetic heart and pray for you. Thank you for your letters, I always enjoy reading them.
    What the Lord has started, He also finishes.. He does not leave us half-finished! A ready, pure and holy bride will stand before him!

  3. Bonjour Sherry, je comprends et je ressens très fort combien est grande ta souffrance! Que l’Amour du Père guérisse ton coeur brisé. Amitiés en Jésus!

    [ HKP : “Hello Sherry, I understand and I feel very strongly how great your suffering is!  May the Love of the Father heal your broken heart.  Friendships in Jesus!” ]

  4. May the Lord continue to bless your journey!  As you described your vision and travail, I thought you were going to open the door and see a mirror, as the travail was for yourself, as the rest of the post reveals.  Yet what a picture for us to have compassion on those who suffer so terribly internally.  I have a friend in this kind of pain.  This helps me to understand more.  I will seek her door to travail for her.  Thank you for this post.

  5. Dear sister I can always relate with your words and while I cannot be in your shoes I do understand. Please check with brother Paul Cox , his website Aslan’s Place . You will get deep help from him surely.
    Will pray for you

  6. Thank you so much for your transparency. Many have gone through so much trauma in their lives. We are believing for healing, but must trust in Yahweh’s perfect timing. Waiting can be so difficult. It has been one of the hardest tests of my faith. His words will come to pass!  He has made me to never give up! Bless you for sharing.

  7. Ahh Sherry, how precious are you to me and always have been anytime I have read your posts. ❤️
    Did you get my email the last day or two I sent? The enemy delights in miscommunications with our devices. I love you much my sister. Deepest regards, respect and much love to you my beautiful sister. 

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