The Tragedy of Believing a Lie
The real tragedy of believing common lies, is that the people of God do not follow and live in their God-given Identity and Destiny.
They do not live in the Victory that Jesus purchased for them.
We fall into this trap in one way or another — no one is exempt!
We all have been lied to by the media, by our bank account, by our past experiences by our feelings, and even our loved ones around us. The enemy, the father of lies being their voice at that moment.
Our tendency is to allow our reason, emotions or circumstances to dictate our truth as final authority.
So how do we identify these lies so that we can live in the truth. The Bible is The LORD’s inspired Word, His Holy Instructions on how to combat the lies and live the best life of truth, love, and peace.
2 Timothy 3:16 NIV, says that, “all scripture is God breathed, and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correct in and training in righteousness…”
Psalms 119:105 NIV says, “Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.“
We invite The Holy Spirit, but I have volitional act of faith, to cleanse and renew our minds so we can stand on the truth and authority of God‘s Word.
As a child of God we simply dare to believe that we are who He says we are! As Christians, we are not the same anymore. The old has gone away and the new life has begun!
When we become followers and believers in Jesus, we lose our identity in this world, and we embrace our new Identity in Christ Jesus, our LORD.
Memorize His power-filled Truths, to combat pervasive lies in your mind.
When The Truth is on the forefront of your mind, you will be more apt to recognize the lies, and be able to call them out and dismiss them immediately.
Imagine going onto a battlefield with no sword, no shield, no helmet! That would be near foolishness!
So, in the same way, we need to wear the full Armor of God to conquer temptation, and protect ourselves from the lies of the world. We must die to the lies, so that we can walk in His Truths over our lives.
Get this picture tonight! When you walk into a dark room you can see nothing — but when you turn the light on, you can see everything.
It really is as simple as that. Come clean with everything, not only with God, but with confident friends who you know will pray.
Why? The Bible says to pray one for another, for one reason.
For another reason, there is no darkness in God! Whatever you keep in the darkness, the enemy is going to use against you. That’s where he works — in the darkness.
So, some of you who are reading this right now, need to turn on the light! You need to go to someone you trust. First of all, you need to go to God, and talk with Him.
Lay everything out on the table in Truth to The LORD, not that He doesn’t already know the things that you’re going through, or battling, but He needs for you to communicate — to be truthful!
You need to gain more relationship with God than you have with the world, and the ways of the world, in the warfare of the world. You can only do that by communicating with The One Who is The Light and Who dispels all darkness.
Warfare is warfare, and it’s hard to do War with the unseen forces of evil. But the more that you learn to turn the light on more often, the more that you will gain victories, because the demons and the devil don’t live in the light.
~ Gail Manizak
Gail Manizak of The Power and Presence Ministry, is all about encouraging the Body of Christ as a Ministry of Intercession and contending for our communities, as a House of Prayer.