HomeProphecyThe Touch of The Master Potter


The Touch of The Master Potter — 3 Comments

  1. Very encouraging words from our Lord. I receive each one of them. I believe that they can be applied to pretty much everyone. The last one is the one which I need to pay most attention to. I need to return to the Potter’s wheel. I’ve got to shed what is no longer necessary and acquire something new no matter how much I may think that this could not be meant for me. At least, this is what I’m getting from it as I’m commenting. It may feel uncomfortable at first but it’s precisely what I need as God never fails anyone of us. He has destined each one of us to serve Him, His people and those who do not yet know Him in a certain way. I find it difficult to speak in front of a group of people. I sense that He may be calling me to do more of it and to die to flesh, pride and some rebellion as I still only want to do what I’m pretty comfortable with. It should prove to be interesting and renewing in many ways for all of us.

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