HomeProphecyThe Tide Has Turned!


The Tide Has Turned! — 34 Comments

  1. Veronika – like the Holy Spirit at Butler Pennsylvania and as a prophetic commanding warrior in service to YHWH…FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT…! All for the glory of our Lord God…! Amen & Amen…!

  2. I’ve never in my heart considered for a moment that your prophecies were false, on the contrary. I weigh carefully who the Spirit leads me to for encouragement, because the position of intercession is one of extreme warfare. I live in one of the most demonized states in America, where its legal to bring a baby to birth and watch it die on a table, our state will protect your children from their parents while we kindly remove their God-given anatomy, where witchcraft seems to have taken a frontseat, and if you can’t seem to find it in the world that’s okay, just look to the Church…..etc.etc.etc.
    I’m so grateful that you didn’t say no to Him Veronika….or worse. I’m in hell standing for this Nation and yours and all He’s led me to contend for. Through the darkest night I stand with you beautiful lady. I’m watching with anticipation (and always have been) as every precious Word comes to pass.
    Got bless your beautiful heart…beautiful lady!!

  3. Recent events make me think that we are on a learning curve.
    Honour and love brothers and sisters in Christ, respect prophecy but spend time “weighing and praying” (ie the Bible tells us to weigh so that we can discern anything that is “off”).
    1.We must avoid following man in place of Jesus (1 Cor 3:4-5, I follow Paul, I follow Apollos etc).Anything else could lead us astray as even prophets, like other leaders, can loose their way or some element of the prophecy could be misleading eg interpretation or timing.
    Avoid putting anyone on a pedestal because it may lead us astray or they could easily fall off.
    (As a young Christian, God told me I had done this and asked me what I would do if they fell off. They did and it was extremely painful).
    2.Humility for all is the key and submitting to one another may be necessary, if Holy Spirit prompts us to ie. I may think I am right and someone else is wrong but what we really need to know is how God wants us to respond.
    3.Pray, ruminate, ask for confirmation where necessary and ask God to show us what our response should be.
    Jesus prophesied that there would be miserable days and great tribulation. He then went on to instruct that if we prayed, the impact could be less severe.
    “Pray that your flight does not take place on the Sabbath or in winter” (Matt 24:20).
    We are close to these days now.
    Prophecy will be vitally important to not just help us survive but also thrive.
    We pray for mercy on us all Lord.
    Let us press in to You like never before so we can be faithful to the end and be salt and light to a dying world.

  4. Again, God is calling for repentance and change in the church. He has been very patient…..time us short and the clock is ticking. I’m watching, praying and hopeful.

    God bless

  5. 2 Corinthians 12:10.  God will deal with those “so called prophets” keep prophesying , keep obeying God ignore all those “so called Christians “and non Christians they are trouble makers that satan uses . We pray that they repent. …. and having done all STAND” Ephesians 6:10-20.

  6. There were 10-15 million more democratic votes last election than this one.  Since this party was doing everything they could to win again and continue their demonic agenda…where did these valuable “voters” go? I have not heard of a mass exodus since then, nor did a natural disaster take them out.  A heavenly interference might have though. :D

    In many ways your prophetic ministry mirrors our President Trump’s, when it comes to the harrassment, ridicule, and downright abuse that is occuring as he (and YOU) take a stand.  May you also “fight, fight, fight” and prevail.  Cannot wait to see some of your prophecies come to pass!!!

  7. Yes, so it is:…”slandering and condemning the Prophets who stood by their convictions and chose obedience over sacrifice in the face of ruthless and relentless pressure to yield to the spirit of fear, shame and control.” Last Sunday the ruthless did not even stop at the altar of a church. The same trash thrown everywhere “accidently” and on every road to and from the church. Their program NEVER was planned or wanted by GOD, but by people who are driven by psychologic ideologies. Hunting and persecuting citizens over many years is what it is: Demonic warfare. The damage they have done can never be payed by money, gold or silver. BUT GOD will pour out recompense. His word for this terror against believers and prophets is VINDICATION, and saints, let us be honest: His word also speaks clear about His REVENGE and His JUDGMENT. Revenge was never a character of mine. It is GOD who will have the last say, and all these “loving and caring perpetrators” will have to bow their knees before GOD and they will have to confess their guilt and crimes.

  8. I for one have never changed my mind about Trump winning the 2020 election. I was told by God on the morning of the election Trump won by a landslide. After the 2024 election any body with eyes to see and ears to hear would know this to be true.
    As they scramble to account for 15 million or more votes that were in 2020 over 2024. Let God be true and all men liars.
    Joe Biden was suppose to get in and many will see how well this will work out now. And many more need to repent and apologize to their brothers and sisters for calling them false prophets. Trump did win in 2020 it just was not his time yet. And before you throw rocks at me do a little research and know the truth for your self. God really does put one up and another down as he wills.
    And puny little men still think their will is mighty then his. They will soon see they are dealing with something they barely can understand.

  9. Veronika,

    Thank you for standing and speaking what God has given you. I appreciate you and the other prophets who have stood on God’s Word and not apologized for hearing and delivering His message. It saddens me to see what has happened in the Church, but I thank God for prophets like you that will stand in face of great ridicule. I am praying for His protection over the prophets who have stood during this time.

    Thank you!!
    from Virginia, USA

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