HomeProphecyThe Three Legged Stool


The Three Legged Stool — 5 Comments

  1. I’m reminded of the name “Sham” in the true story of Secretariat, a Triple Crown winner in the USA’s most prominent horse races, taking place in the year 1973. Secretariat won the final race by a whopping 31 lengths against Sham….he certainly ran his race.
    I remember when you first posted these visions, I’m excited to see how the Lord is going to show off here….hold onto your hats. :D
    God bless you beautiful lady!!

  2. And the curtain is about to come down on the final act of this harrowing drama. The future of a nation has been hanging in the balance but her destiny has been rewritten for all the world to see and follow as God brings it to a happy ending. The happy ending will bring with it a war of wars as God continues with the Trump card in HIS right hand. To God be the Glory! Sandi

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