The Tears of a Woman and the Voice of the King
The tears of a woman and the voice of the King. Listen for His quiet whisper
Getting ready for bed — went to turn off my smartphone so it re-charges — and this short you tube video popped up. About 3 minutes.
It’s a lady in her living room in tears. She said she heard The LORD say, “He is ready — getting all things ready for us. He loves us. Heaven, Father God, Jesus — readying it all for us’.
A short clip — I don’t even know who this sweet lady is!
It’s not any new revelation- we know what Jesus told us — in His Word.
We know The Gospel Message. Jesus is coming soon. Yet sometimes — you just hear something — and it has a sound to it.
When The Holy Spirit bares witness to a Word — there is a gravity — a weight of anointing of truth in it. It resonates within.
A Word should never be about the messenger (unless that messenger is The LORD Himself). Its’ the veracity and truth of what is spoken, preached, taught, uttered, written, that must be weighed. Witnessed.
So, as you lay your head on the pillow Christmas night, think on our Lord’s return.
Heaven has been speaking and even whispering to us… for a long time now.
Are we ready. Have we told everyone we need to tell — I love you.
I think He is using everything and anything for one last Trumpet C all.
You don’t need a toothbrush or socks to pack your luggage for Heaven, you need to pack love, your faith in Jesus, your testimony, your trust in Him, and whomever you can get on the runway with you.
Pack your suitcase light, but bring people with you.
“He is getting all things ready. He is coming.
Get ready. Walk holy before Him.
Have no part in the unfruitful works of darkness.”
That’s what I’m hearing.
Listen for His still, small voice in the chamber of your heart.
Listen for His voice. He’s whispering… SSsshhh.
I’m hearing this — whispered in my ears:
“Hush broken heart- don’t you cry
Father’s going to sing you a lullaby
Babies are crying, the children do weep
I love them all, even I watch, as they sleep.
The souls of all the living —
they all belong to me
Every man, woman and child
The generations are the branches
But I AM the tree.
I always was and always will be
There is no Creator or God but me
Come lay your tired soul on the pillow
And let me hold you in my dreams.
Hush little child, don’t you cry
My love is in you, your soul will never die
The new is coming,
unwrap my petals of love
Open your arms wide
I’m sending hope again to you
On the wings of my dove.”
Walk clean before The LORD.
Keep it simple.
Lay a clean conscience on the pillow at night.
It’s that simple.
He has told you, humanity, what is good, and what Adonai is seeking from you:
“Only to practice justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8
May this come to pass in 2025 for all of us. Shalom!
~ Elizabeth Cassutto
Rev. Elizabeth Cassutto
Lightbeacon Ministries, Millsboro, Delaware.
Thank you Sister for taking the time to share this message
I witness so very strong to each word especially with what my battle has been this past year
This has offered confirmation to a short dream I had a few yrs ago
To God be the Glory
Yes let’s love them into the Kingdom with us
Liz, I LOVE THIS!!! YES, Lay a clear conscience on our pillow at night…that is so powerful. I love the simple warning on the video. This really spoke to me:“Hush broken heart- don’t you cry Father’s going to sing you a lullaby. This has been the saddest Christmas I have ever had and I stopped to think of how many probably were totally alone and do not know their savior…Praying into this! Love you…Happy New Year! Sandi