The Spiritual Battle over Eurasia
I prayerfully submit this Vision and the interpretation I received for continuing intercession.
Others may see a wider picture to this vision. See picture to help visualise.
I had a picture of the Ukraine and Russia on a map, and saw a mighty tsunami wave coming from the West and sweeping over the Ukraine and into the Russian border.
I saw that this wave uncovered three missiles on the border. These once hidden weapons, have come into plain sight.
They took off and began to move towards the West. Then they suddenly turned in an upward direction. I then saw The Hand of God pierce through the skies and grab the first weapon.
With his thumb and forefinger, The LORD crumbled all the weapons and they appeared to turn into salt and fall like rain over Ukraine and Russia.
I believe that this picture is mainly symbolic.
The Holy Spirit highlighted the wave as representing the pure hearted prayers that have gone out for these nations. What was hidden has now been exposed.
The missiles are parts of an Antichrist Agenda to bring Satan’s plans into fruition before their time.
The three weapons are the spirits of killing, control through oppression and territorial greed.
As these weapons of darkness are exposed, they counter attack the wave of prayer, but their interference is halted as the hand of God takes them into the heavenly realm, dismantling them.
The spirits of darkness behind the politics it uses must be halted!
Before it is too late, God will step in to restore all of Europe from corruption of soul.
What was meant for harm will be turned to good. God’s plan for these nations is for Europe to become the salt of the earth — “Through the devastation from man’s hand, I shall take back what is mine!”
And the light shall shine over the nations, the light shall not be stopped nor hampered nor ceased, for The LORD is coming to break the darkness and reveal His Light to break every chain, every lie, every stronghold and to break every shackle, that has kept the bound from freedom.
We must continue to Pray that man-made thrones be cast down and that Davidic-heart Leaders be raised up into positions of leadership.
As The LORD brings judgement, his grace is revealed. Those who have God’s heart will thrive under a fig tree because they sought God first. Let our prayers bring in saltiness!
The LORD says, “Awaken and Arise, Europe!”
In the name of Jesus we decree that it is not time for Satan’s plan. We command the spirit of darkness to retreat. We take back what the enemy has stolen.
Let Your Kingdom come!
~ Yvonne Coombs
Yvonne Coombs. Please also see Yvonne’s Prophetic Art here at “Yvonne’s Paintings” on Facebook and on Instagram
Ukraine there is a calling on this place and people, the enemy knows this an is in full panic mode to crush this nation at all cost. They can probably say like Paul persecuted on all sides, every country seems to have an agenda in the Ukraine. This flood of evil is about to be purged out with a flood of good, these workers of evil are about to have there day in Gods court and reap there reward