HomeProphecyThe Sound of Order in the Storm


The Sound of Order in the Storm — 14 Comments

  1. Sandi,
    LOVE this Word! Very on target for now. So glad you are safe & got to spend extra time with Papa to hear this Word. Thanks for sharing! GOD BLESS YOU! Bev

    • Thanks so much Bev and so very much for rallying so many to pray for me. It was in the midst of the horrible tornado storm that the Lord gave me this word. We are so blessed that He covers us so so well. xoxo Sandi

  2. Dear Sandi, what a beautiful love letter from our Lord that is confirming what He is doing in my life. the following words spoke very loud to my heart: Peace can only be found in an ordered life lived with Me.  There will always be discord in a life that is out of order. A cooperative spirit is birthed out of discipline. Discipline is needed in order to bear fruit that remains. So, in order to have a worldly influence as My disciple, My Chosen Ones must be prepared to be a reflection of My Order, that will show forth the beauty of Holiness in My Kingdom.”
    He is truly comforming us to His image.  What an awesome and faithful God we serve!!! Blessings to you and yours as always!!!

    • So great Mf, that it spoke to you. He certainly is ordering our lives in these end times to be more disciplined as His disciples. The beauty of His Holiness has been so present with me today as I have set this time aside to be silent and listen. Thank you so much for your response. Love and blessings, Sandi

    • Good to receive your input, Mark B. Thank you for your solid agreement. It is so powerful to be in agreement especially in these days of great separation. Many blessings, Sandi

    • You are so welcome, my friend, Marc as always. Receive and believe..indeed the power of two + one. In your case, it is double with Tami. Moving forward in God’s order and ordering our lives to fit the assignment is the equation that will add up to fruit that remains. Love and prayers, Sandi

  3. Praise God truly a word in season I have been battling the emotion to talk against the injustices and kept hearing God say be still. Thank you for this word.

    • God bless you Lindy Ann for your input. It is my joy to listen and release His word. You are so welcome. Many blessings, Sandi

    • Hallelujah to the King, WOng E Zin. I am always delighted to have your powerful agreement. God richly bless you going out and coming in, Sandi

  4. Good beautiful Day Sandi, I was blown away by this word from our Abba Father. I woke a few hours ago at 3am to thunder and lightening. I went out to my balcony to pray and spend time with Him. After an hour or so the storm subsided and passed. I began to pray and repent for the Nation of America for the sin of the innocent blood of millions of baby’s, asking the Lord to cleanse the land when suddenly a beautiful cleansing rain began to pour down, I just know that I know He’s listening and responding to the heart cries of His Children!! What a truly Good Pappa we have!!
    God bless your beautiful heart Sandi, thank you again for such incredible encouragement!!

    • Dear Cherish..I love when we are on the same page with the Father. He is painting beauty and holiness all around us and releasing it in preparation for the stability needed as repentance comes for America and all the evil regarding the children..may we rejoice as the cleansing and redeeming begins. TO God be the Glory..great things He has done and is now doing. Love and blessings,Sandi

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