HomeProphecyThe Season of Super Ultra Abounding Violent Grace


The Season of Super Ultra Abounding Violent Grace — 5 Comments

  1. Hi, Mary,

    i did apply Aloe Vera several times as I know about the benefits, but it burned so badly that I had to go back to put my hand under running cold water and into a bucket of cold water the whole night and today. It‘s a second grade burning…I thanked the Lord, even sang, but miracles like I read about so often from the USA, happen rarely here…..!

  2. Thank you sister Deborah always for bringing encouraging and exporting words from the LORD.Yes,the days are evil in the world.But,God is also working with his saving grace miracles and wonders.

    I have a message for Dorothea
    Kreie.I hope she will come back to see this.
    I have bellow two deliverance ministries she can seek by faith what God can do for her.



  3. This is supernatural COMBAT against the forces of darkness!

    Are you having some bad days in which the whole world feels strange and frightening, where the attacks of the enemy seem nonstop, not only in the world but in your own daily life?

    Here is what I saw in the Spirit for you.

    I saw a giant Glorious River, a River with crystal clear waters coming from the Throne of God and the Lamb!

    Hi Deborah,

    this word is for me, as I have been hit with relenless attacks since decades, mounting up in the last 24 years..
    I have battled three weeks now a flue, started to get up these days, only to scald my left hand yesterday evening with boiling water……Pain so unbearable, i started to cry out to the Lord, while cooling with cold water…I even hanked HIM and my husband played worship songs…Nothing changed. Whole night up with unstoppable pain, even today….i felt so lost and forgotten…

  4. I find myself getting so excited by some of your posts that I can feel my heart leaping with renewed hope!! Without vision we won’t make it, but because of those He’s raised up with beautiful feet on the Mountains, releasing encouragement to the masses like this post here, I believe we will excell….with flying colors!!
    Thank God for you beautiful lady!!

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