HomeProphecyThe Season of Singing Has Come!


The Season of Singing Has Come! — 2 Comments

  1. Dear Deborah

    Thank you for this wonderful word from the Lord.  Last Sunday was the first time I went to church in a few years at the end of the service even though the pastor was not there the person speaking gave a call the sermon was about those who struggling because of being independent from God living and doing in there own strength.  Having quit church because for me I experienced it to be a place of religious works and trying to understand the new revelation of GRACE that God allowed me to experience was and continues to be quite staggering.  Living my life from being led by the Holy Spirit instead of preforming like a clown.  Oh well When the person speaking gave the call my heart was literally vibrating I have had that happen in the past when God would want to me share a testimony in church.  So I knew it was from the Lord by the time I got to the front my entire body was shaking and I further went up for prayer I was crying quite a bit it did not matter what others thought God knew my heart.  I am so very looking forward to experience this place of rest and spring time to experience what an abundant life actually is and what joy actually is. The person who prayed for me at the front was the same who gave the sermon message and his gift was prophetic.  I was told that I was in a deep place of mourning and that joy will come and that God had three words for me I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE YOU.  Blessings and thanks that I can share your word give me the more needed hope that it wont be too long now. Blessings Sue

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