The Season of Closing and Opening
Retaking the land that we have allowed the enemy to occupy.
This is the season to clear out the clutter of darkness in our lives and be filled with the brilliant life of heaven’s glory within us, our Nations, and our world.
Power beyond imagination is among the pure of heart to stand and speak without fear to all the darkness that we have allowed to grow into our world. And then to speak forth the new life of Christ magnified and glorified in our hearts, lives, and Nations.
Ungodly spirit forces of darkness have gradually, over recent decades, from generation to generation, invaded the hearts and minds of massive numbers of once godly-minded people of the Western world.
Cultures in America and other Nations that once honored God have degraded into ungodly foolishness that leads only to grave disorder and death apart from God.
The full authority to drive off the darkness and bring forth the glorious light of The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth is given to the resurrected Christ within us by The Holy Spirit of God Almighty!
After His resurrection, Jesus said in Matthew 28:18: “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.”
Through Christ in us by the Holy Spirit, as God leads and speaks to us, we are empowered by the authority of Christ to command the enemy to leave our land and release the righteousness, peace, and joy of the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.
Godly Spiritual Sons of God in whom Christ Jesus fully abides are now being formed to close the doors in our lives and nations that our past lives have allowed to be opened, and to open the doors of the kingdom of god life now on earth as it is in heaven.
“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.” Romans 8:18-19.
A Word From God in a Dream
A friend told me of a spiritual dream he had this past week that awakened me to the reality of the workings of God today.
In the dream, he went back to a large piece of land that he had owned many years before becoming a devout, spiritual follower of Christ.
He walked toward a once special place deep in the forest where no one else ever came. He had, before becoming a true follower of Christ in his past life, used this spot to grow marijuana on his land.
As he drew near the place, he began to see a number of buildings and people moving about. He was enraged that someone had built all this on HIS LAND, where they had no right to be.
He picked up a wrench as a weapon and headed toward the structures. He saw several men and walked toward them. Three or four of them just walked away but one large and somewhat strong man stood facing him.
Suddenly, he felt no fear of this man and dropped his wrench and told the man that he had no right to be here and build on this land.
The man replied, “Don’t you remember? You gave me permission years ago.”
At this point, my friend realized he was talking with the devil and that his on ungodly life had indeed allowed the devil to build and prosper on his land.
He promptly told the devil that everything had changed, and in the name of Jesus, your rights to this land are canceled, and you and all that you have built here must GO NOW. (James 4:7).
My friend woke up from the dream at this time with the assurance that the land was redeemed.
I see this dream as a parabolic word from God that aligns with the Bible and relates to this current time or season of the workings of God.
Our Part in Closing the Door to Darkness
In an individual sense, most of us can probably see where our past lives as unbelievers and, even more specifically, as lukewarm believers have allowed the devil to take over parts of our lives through our lack of fully hearing and communing with God. We failed to fully possess the land of our lives.
We may also see that we have had a negative effect on others around us by allowing the works of darkness to filter into our lives, homes, and Churches. As The Church, our collective lukewarmness toward the deeper things of God has allowed the enemy to build on our land.
As many are moving into a pure, intimate love relationship with God in the Spirit, we now can see that it is our part to STAND and rebuke the enemy.
In the name of Jesus, we are to command the enemy and his darkness that his right to build on our land is canceled, and all that he has built within our lives and nations must now go.
This is the end of the evil invasion of darkness allowed by our lukewarm religion. It is now coming to pass as the light of God in our intimate love relationship with God is rapidly developing.
Our Part in Opening the Door to the Light of God
Hear with the ear in the heart. The word heart is “hear” with a “t” on it. Our heart relates directly to hearing God spiritually.
There is natural hearing with the mind and spiritual hearing with the heart.
As redeemed, Spirit-filled believers, we have two sets of five senses. We have spiritual senses and the natural senses. Without Christ within us by the Holy Spirit, we have only natural senses and cannot hear God in our hearts.
As believers without the fullness or baptism of the Holy Spirit, we are hard of hearing, if not deaf, to hear the intimate personal one-on-one communications with God. (1 Corinthians 2:6-16.)
Lukewarmness and natural thinking relate directly to the lack of hearing God and intimately relating with Him. It is natural for us to focus our minds on natural senses. It is a renewal process to focus on listening to Spirit God in our hearts to hear and know the way of God.
We commune in love with God Spirit to Spirit in our hearts. Spirit life is in the heart where we commune with God.
Significant mysteries are revealed to us as we hear the word of God by the Spirit in our hearts.
When we read the written word of God from the Bible the true meaning of what God is saying is revealed in our hearts.
We can read the words of a parabolic passage of scripture with our mind and completely miss the truth of the deeper meaning of that which God wants to speak to us.
Or, as we read the natural words, the Spirit can hear or see the true meaning in our hearts. We may read the natural words of a man planting seed and so on, but hear in our hearts the Spirit reality of what God is really saying to us.
We read with the natural mind but hear what God is really saying in our hearts. Our minds must be renewed to the mind of Christ from the heart by the Spirit of God.
“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:1-2.
God’s love, peace, power, and wisdom flow into our hearts to fill our minds and bodies with the attributes of Christ Jesus to release the kingdom of heaven into this world.
“By this we know that we abide in Him, and He in us, because He has given us of His Spirit.” 1 John 4:13.
“The mystery which has been hidden from ages and from generations, but now has been revealed to His saints. To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Colossians 1:26-27.
Be made whole in His love,
~ Ron McGatlin
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Ron McGatlin Ron has over 62 years of seeking to serve God in ministry and business. Barbara has served in pastoral and Christian education positions for over 10 years. They currently make their home in the foot hills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina, USA. Ron has written 5 books on revival and the in-breaking kingdom and continues to write powerful apostolic/prophetic articles published weekly in the Digest.
1 John 4:20 if a man say I love God and hate his brother he is a liar for he that loves not his brother whom he has seen. How can he love God whom he has not seen.
The problem with the church in America can be summed up in this verse. So many hate others and turn them away for disagreeing over some doctrine or many more tiny matters. And yet crow from the rooftops about how they love God and are defending the faith. This verse says all the crowing and trying to convince others off this great love is a lie. It is by grace we are saved not following the latest church craze. Some things to think about for all. The time is not short it is upon us.
A blessed and timely reminder. Thank you so very much.