The Rising Tide of an Alternative Gospel
Prophetic Rambling:
The Rising Tide of an Alternative Gospel!
As we step across the threshold into 2025, I find myself already closely observing the rapid ascent of False Prophets, who seem to be proliferating at an alarming rate compared to the true and God Fearing Authentic Voices of Faith.
Their warped and twisted ideas and theologies are undeniably more alluring, provocative, and yet superficially productive, giving the appearance of fruit, which make no mistake will present a powerful allure to the next Generation — who are trying to navigate a culture of Identity distortion and chaos and yet many yearning for greater belonging, clarity and a supernatural and a tangible demonstration of God’s Power.
Beware — for an Alternative Gospel is emerging — and even as I write this, I hear The Spirit say, ”Yes! For there are indeed two Altars rising!
But I say this is about Two Trees in the Garden — the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree of Life!
Have I not declared that I AM taking Nations back to the Garden — back to My original intent — back to their Covenant Foundations, and Back to the future?
Yet I say, watch! For the Serpent Spirit — the Dragon — has risen and is now circling at a time of great Awakening and Birthing among The Nations.
Yes — even as My Remnant is Rising in this critical time!
And I say to you, Watch and Listen! For in the midst of a Divine Resurgence and Reformation, the same lie shall come forth from the mouth the great Deceiver — ”Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” (Genesis 3:1)
Friends, let’s stay Watching and Praying!
As we navigate this treacherous spiritual landscape, it will become vital in these days of great Acceleration, Change and Transition, that we as The Remnant, are able to discern between the Voices that speak Truth — and those that peddle in the spirit of deception!
Make no mistake, the counterfeit looks exactly like the Real — and takes a trained and experienced eye to recognise the difference!
The allure of the False Prophets lies not only in their charm and charisma, but also in their ability to carefully twist the truth of Scripture to fit a certain narrative, and to mobilise an Empire driven agenda, and it will all come meticulously wrapped in packaging that will be appealing and palatable to a generation starving for relevance, and belonging.
The Alternative Gospel will promise sparkle and thrill and will resonate powerfully with the desires of the heart while veiling the mortality that accompanies such temptations.
This Deceptive and Alluring Spirit will entice many to the table, and many will eat and drink and become intoxicated with the mixture of good and evil.
It’s time for the Apostolic Fathers and Mothers to arise and for True Prophetic Voices to release a Clarion Call to what is being presented in The Body of Christ at this time.
A Call to Get Back to the True Foundations of Faith, and to seek above all, not another Prophetic Prediction, but to pursue a deeper Understanding into the Word of God.
For this will create safeguards and an anchor for the soul, as we navigate through the rising storm of competing ideologies and warped theologies.
This is a time to strengthen our foundations, to draw from the Well of Wisdom that has sustained God’s faithful Saints for centuries, lest we be swept away by the tides of modernity and the waves of deception.
In this Next Season, we are being Called to be Watchmen on the Walls, not just of our Nations, but Watchmen on the Walls and at the Doors of The Church!
We need to be awake and alert to the subtle signs and destructive patterns that are emerging with great intensity and blow the trumpet to warn the people!
The serpent’s whispers — those subtle insinuations that question our Holy convictions, and that seek to undermine the very essence of our Faith (“Did God really say?”) — I believe will be heard ever louder in The Church House and even the Houses of our Governments and Legal Institutions.
This Question will seek above all, to erode the confidence in God’s unchanging Character and Nature, and His perfect Will and Word.
Warriors, let us truly rise to respond — not in fear — but with an unwavering resolve grounded in Faith, Love and The Truth!
Intimacy with The LORD will be The Key!
Only as we seek the Leading of The Holy Spirit, will He alone illuminate the path ahead and give us the Power of true Discernment that will be necessary to distinguish between what is True and the false!
As we Advance in the coming days, and as we approach the Birthing of this New Kingdom Era, let us remember that the battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual dark forces that seek to ensnare our hearts and minds.
Only In the place of Fervent and Consistent Prayer, we will find strength to overcome the temptations of the serpent — and as we War from a place of Worship, we will begin to Move and Operate from a place of True Identity and Destiny.
God’s Instruction
Come up here! Come up higher — and let us embrace the Call to a Life of Ascension where we will rise into the fullness of who we were designed by God to be — a Holy Priesthood and Chosen Generation, standing firm against the tide of deception, shining brightly with The Light of Christ, and proclaiming The Gospel with boldness, truth and clarity!
I see the Rising of Two Altars and Two Trees — and ‘The True Tree’ — the Tree of Life still stands — The Tree of Life offering Healing, Restoration, True Revelation and Vision to all who eat of its Fruit!
Choose this day whom you will serve!
We are called to be a Vigilant, Discerning, and Unwavering Remnant in this hour, and the True Voices of God MUST Speak!
He is calling us to Rise, Shine and become Agents of Change in the midst of great and Increasing Darkness!
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West
just an observation not condemnation re: PDJTs picks to be leaders for positions requiring keen discernment wisdom ability to effectively use the authority loyally &get results of victory. ive been watching listening interceding and find it interesting that a number of his picks & in his inner circle are hindus even tulsi gabbard has a new u tube channel showing her dancing in worship to a hindu god and she says all gods are the same … vivek and kash and harmeet dillon who will serve as legal counsel in the admin plus agnostic musk has great influence w/PDJT the vp vance wife is hindu as well. i was alerted to intercede on this matter by the Holy Spirit esp for souls to be set free and saved from deception and recieve a revelation via the Holy Spirit of Truth about what hinduism actually is and how dangerous it is esp in an eternal sense.
ppl in america have religious freedom and im not a hater of hindus or any person of another faith other than christianity yet i am concerned for their souls and also their lack of knowledge of Godly truth in carrying out their roles effectively and the danger of misleading PDJT getting him off course etc bible speaks of enemy spies who gain access to lie and carry out evil agendas. so please keep interceding if led. ty.
So grateful that this was brought forth today. There are many voices on the site, and on on others. So many people I’m sure are’t even aware that there is a mixture trying to creep in every where. Be blessed sister for your obedience!
Thank you Lord
I choose Jesus Christ!!
Amen I totally agree. There are so many people that are calling themselves Prophets all over social media you have to be so careful and pray for the Lord to sharpen your discernment. I don’t listen to anyone except the ones I trust and know that they have God’s agenda first and foremost.