HomeProphecyThe Rising Tide of an Alternative Gospel


The Rising Tide of an Alternative Gospel — 6 Comments

  1. just an observation not condemnation re: PDJTs picks to be leaders for positions requiring keen discernment wisdom ability to effectively use the authority loyally &get results of victory. ive been watching listening interceding and find it interesting that a number of his picks & in his inner circle are hindus even tulsi gabbard has a new u tube channel showing her dancing in worship to a hindu god and she says all gods are the same … vivek and kash and harmeet dillon who will serve as legal counsel in the admin plus agnostic musk has great influence w/PDJT the vp vance wife is hindu as well. i was alerted to intercede on this matter by the Holy Spirit esp for souls to be set free and saved from deception and recieve a revelation via the Holy Spirit of Truth about what hinduism actually is and how dangerous it is esp in an eternal sense.
    ppl in america have religious freedom and im not a hater of hindus or any person of another faith other than christianity yet i am concerned for their souls and also their lack of knowledge of Godly truth in carrying out their roles effectively and the danger of misleading PDJT getting him off course etc bible speaks of enemy spies who gain access to lie and carry out evil agendas. so please keep interceding if led. ty.

  2. So grateful that this was brought forth today.  There are many voices on the site, and on on others. So many people I’m sure are’t even aware that there is a mixture trying to creep in every where.  Be blessed sister for your obedience!

  3. Amen I totally agree.  There are so many people that are calling themselves Prophets all over social media you have to be so careful and pray for the Lord to sharpen your discernment.  I don’t listen to anyone except the ones I trust and know that they have God’s agenda first and foremost.

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