HomeProphecyThe Rise of The Jehus!


The Rise of The Jehus! — 7 Comments

  1. Hallelujah! Let every hill and plain in our lands be filled with the chariots of the Jehus that the Lord is raising. Righteous Eunuchs storming with boldness into every satanic chambers to topple the spirit of Jezebel to it’s death. They are arising, unknown and insignificant from the periphery, in Jesus’ name.

  2. Amen e halleluyah e gloria al Re dei re!!! Solo al Signore Gesù Cristo tutto il Regno e la potenza per tutti i secoli dei secoli!!!

    [ HKP : “Amen and halleluyah and glory to the King of kings!! To the Lord Jesus Christ alone all the Kingdom and power for ever and ever!!” ]

    Thank You KING JESUS, I really needed to hear this TODAY!!! PRAISE GOD ALMIGHTY!!!

    Thanks Veronica, you are a blessing to the Body. Amen.

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