HomeProphecyThe Righteous Acts of the Saints


The Righteous Acts of the Saints — 2 Comments

  1. This is such a confirmation as to what has been on my heart and in my mind lately. The “wicked” people in Noah’s day were too busy drinking and eating and giving in marriage and being married to “hear” his message of righteousness. The people in Nehemiah, Amos were too busy focusing on building their own homes and neglecting the rebuilding of the temple. The people in Jesus parable, were also too busy to come to the wedding banquet because they now had a yoke of oxen, a plot of land, a father to bury, a wife to marry.
    How often do we say let me just do this, finish that, get this done Lord? First this then you Lord. NO MORE!  The day of salvation is now! The time of salvation is nearer than when we were first saved! Now is the time to hear him and walk in immediate obedience.

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