HomeProphecyThe Quest of One


The Quest of One — 5 Comments

  1. Thank you so much my dear sister for such words of wisdom and encouragement to the body of Christ. I am so blessed reading this and reminded again of who I am in Christ. Shalom to you dear one.

  2. Dear Ms. Mackey, you do not write often on HKP, but, when you do, your words are always an exhortation and encouragement to my spirit. The Lord bless you and keep you, Gabriele

  3. Hi Sherry, it’s always so inspiring to hear from you I always look out for you.
    This is truly an amazing word from the father almighty, it really has touched my heart and soul. Thank you so very much Sherry for sharing the word of the Lord with us.
    Aman Sela Shalom. God bless.

  4. Sherry, this is such a strong meaty exhortation to us all! Thank you. I am crying now, as so many don’t have time to absorb the things of God. Such truth layed out in such a beautiful way.God bless you.

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